How to get Maserati 8CTF + Why It's So Rare (FH5 Update 11)


Nothing against the 8CTF, but has it really come down to this being one of the most “rare & exclusive cars in the game” at this point? Simple lack of availability seems to push so many “get & forget” cars into this category…


I had to check to verify if I still had this car, and yes I do… and I was pleasantly surprised to discover it had a xmas themed livery … BONUS!!

No idea when I acquired it, but I’m assuming last November/December :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Hmmm, maybe I should sell for 20 Millions!! :grinning:

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Yep own that one and I am pretty certain I obtained it during Season 2 as the 45 points bonus. I’m one of those pre-release users.

It’s a great car as I use it on the regular and have for months now. Top CC and Dirt LB contender all day long. :+1::sunglasses:

I, for once, don’t have since it was given out when 40 points in one week was impossible without playing online, which I don’t, so I’m happy its back, and to me personally, it is rare since it has reappeared in over 8 months.

I checked & don’t have have it, though I did see it available in the AH when I looked, but only in single listings around C8M if I remember correctly*.
Sounds like a fun time for a dirt race though so might have to check that out.

*Corrected my original statement re: availability in the AH, the listings at C16M was another “rare” car I was checking on: the RS4 Audi Avant. Sorry for the confusion.

I want to sell mine, but i only can get 8mil for it :thinking:

I listed one for minimum and watched the people hopelessly try to get it for a few grand … till a big fish inevitably swims by and buys for max …

I got free so 8 milli profit is perfection.


I know that i’m 1 year + late, but i can´t leave this tread without asking:
Do you still wanna sell it? Because i really want to buy one.