How to disable "canon" sound at Dubai / Rio

Is there any way to disable the sound of the “canon” at Dubai / Rio… Which slider do I have to modify???

If not, Turn 10, is it possible to enabled that feature ONLY on the final lap, not at each lap!!!



You can’t disable it. Making 2 annoying tracks even more annoying then they already are.


Gets old when you do a race with a big lap count.

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with the cannons, helicopters, a planes flying there are way too many unneeded distractions on top of the wavy arm guy on each track.

Forget about the cannons. What about the stupid helicopters? Makes me want to shoot them down.

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The helicopters are bad, but sometimes when you have to listen to the announcer with the super distorted voice it drives me mad. Also volume sliders do not seem to work on the things they specify.

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My word, you all sound like the life of the party in here.


If you turn down the Menu UI sound in the sound options, it will lower the sound of he canons. Not sure why they would be linked to that but that’s what I did to lower their sound in game.

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Sounds? I simply play with audio OFF. Always have because Forza game sounds are by nature irritating.

As for the in your face helicopters? This may be my last Forza investment if they offer no means to eliminate them.

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Music off yes,sound no,engines and tranny whine are my sound track.


I agree, it’s all about the car sounds. Music is fine in the menu, but this time around they messed it up. FM7’s music gets irritating, very quick. And the worst thing is that it is annoyingly catchy. I find myself humming the music all day long; at home, at work, wherever. Another thing I hate is those “bassy” noises and “drops” when you enter an option, finish a race, open crates and that sort of stuff. (Sounds like a transformers movie). Those things are fine for NFS rubbish, but have no place on a more serious car game like Forza.

I miss the nice, relaxing music from FM3, FM4 and FM6.

“Track effects volume” did the trick. Muted the helicopter and the canons.

“Menu volume” killed the very annoying finsh-line sounds too.

This is funny to me. Not to get personal here, but…I’m “retired” and have a lot of time on my hands. The “retired” means that a while back I suffered a series of strokes related to blood pressure. One of the lingering conditions of my situation is that sudden loud noises tend to cause a violent reaction if I’m unprepard or caught by suprise. This is the funny part…When the cannons let off and I’m concentrating on the race…Well, I’ve actually thrown my $160.00 controller across the room. Several times. I now know it’s coming so it’ s not a problem anymore. Now I just have to remember to turn off chat while playing online…Charles

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