How Has My Account Been Reset???

Hi ,
Sorry if i’m am posting this in the Wrong section but i cant seem to navigate these forums very well.

here is my issue,
i recently changed my Xbox live account region and since then my Forza 4 and Horizon profiles have been Reset to Lvl 0… Sort of,
it says my Lvl is 0 and i have no Cars or Money and my Stats are Nil But it still says im in the clan that i was in and my storefront is all normal…?
i cant figure it out.
i have spoken to Xbox about it and there saying to speak to the Developer, and from what i have found searching on Google is that contacting Turn10 or Forza Doesn’t seem to get much of a response, so i’m asking The Forza Community to Hopefully get some Help??? Please

I have tried Re-Downloading my Profile numerous times as well as clearing my cache and a few other things as asked by the Xbox Support.

So ANY Positive Input and Help Will be More then Apprciated.

Thanks in advance.

p.s Sorry if the way i have Explained this issue makes no sense but it is the best i can explain it.

Have you tried changing your region back to what it was to see what happens?

yeah but it cant be changed back within 3 months