How do i leave the car club i made?

Hey guys. i made a car club for myself and a friend but i would like to remove the club so i can join a different one. When i go to join a new club it says i can’t because i made the club i am in…

Any ideas???

I’m sure i have seen an option “leave club” never tried it tho

Yeah, but when i click it it says i cannot leave it cause i made it

Ah ! ok ,

Instead of trying to ‘leave club’, try to join another and see what that does.

tried that aswell. still says i can’t leave cause i made it.

can you assign your friend to be the club leader?
if so do that and then you should be able to leave… but now you left your friend in the situation you are currently in

this is probably the way to go. u need a leader to take your place.

make someone who isn’t ur friend or something like that. maybe even someone who actually wants to take over the leader. then you and ur friends leave or whatever the case may be

Damn this is crazy if you cannot leave a club you made . must be some bug

Have you tried faking your own death and entering the Witness Protection?

LOL j/k I have no idea :stuck_out_tongue:

So we cannot belong to two clubs, is that how I am reading this?

I would like to keep the club I started, just a couple of us, and join a club that I have more friends in.

oh well.

Yes, that is correct, you can only be in one club at a time.

If you made a club and are the leader you cannot join another club. If you would like to leave the club, you must first make someone else the leader, and then you can join another club or simply quit.