How can I race against my own ghost?

In FM4 I loved to race my own previous ghosts on the Nordschleife. I simply can not figure out how to do this in FM6. I’m sure it’s there but I fail to find the necessary option, please send help.

You should be able to set yourself as a rival. It defaults myself as a rival if I’m top of the board on something.

I’m not sure this works unless you save your reply, but in Rivals… press Y button before entering afer you set a time and exit the rival. You then sort leader board until you select Near Me, then select your time and set as rival.

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Although it’s not exactly elegant, it works as it’s supposed to. Thank you!

I’m sorry I’m not following this. Maybe since I’m a noob.

If you go into freeplay, and set up a race with a good few laps without drivertars. Then you can see your ghost in that mode. You also have to make sure that “Ghosts” is set to on in the HUD options, not to to “rivals”.



This is a GAME CHANGER for me! I’ve been wondering where this mode went and THEY HID IT IN THE FREE PLAY.

Thank you for this! This was always my favorite way to practice a track!!

Which game mode is the one where you can race against yourself in the form of a ghost?

On a sort of related question:
My nephew also plays Forza 6. On a track neither of us has driven on, I will get the slowest time set on it as rival. If I have already driven on it, I will get the driver one place higher in the leaderboard. When I encounter a new track that he has set a lap on, his time will be my rival. This is all very logical.
However, far more likely is that he gets me as a rival. Since he is often a lot slower, he will basically never beat his standard rival. By opening the leaderboard, one can select a different rival, but because drivers are listed fastest to slowest, selecting a rival that he can beat will require a lot of scrolling. Is there a faster way to select the driver that is only marginally faster than you, or does he have to unfriend me?

Do what Post#3 above suggests,

then pick the next person above. You need to press “X” to find the “Near Me” leaderboard.

Thanks. Of course that will work.
I had it in my mind that the first time out, there is no ‘near me’. But of course that can easily be remedied

If you use lb/rb it scrolls up/down 16 at a time, makes it quicker. I don’t know how far down your lookin to go but you can sort using x to find “near me” also.

Got beat to the punch I type too slow on my tab. Lol

If I run a faster lap than my ghost, would my ghost update to my current fastest lap?

Yes, but you’ll have to finish the hotlap session and go back to the leaderboards to race you’re updated ghost.

The ghost, itself, won’t change if you beat it. It will disappear instead.

Convenient, huh? (Sarcasm)

Sweet, another feature from FM4 lost. But yay we get mods!!!


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Free play is lame. This feature should be in rivals. I remember when you would have 2 ghosts at once. 1 was the target player and the other was your current fastest lap. It was very helpful in identifying spots where you gained/lossed a ton of time.

I dont remember FM 4 having the target “rival” player on at the same time. I remember it having the ghost of your fastest lap for the session.