I am having issues starting a race while I am convoy leader, It’ll allocate servers for well over 5 minutes, launch event and kick me out for whatever reason. If I join someone I can go into the race just fine. I can do everything in the game just fine. I’ve been having this issue for the last 7 days and I have found no fix. It isn’t my connection, it isn’t this Teredo problem that Forza told me to check. It’s something in the game that is blocking me from starting/hosting a race. I am not sure if my game has been corrupted but it’ll be nice to have a fix. Feels like I am the only one having this issue, I am on PC by the way.
Good morning. You’re not the only one that have that problem. I’m playing on Xbox and i have the same problem. Well, i can go online session but i can’t join any race, when it start the race with teammates it expels me out. Everytime.
It keeps happening since the launch de update on 10th or 11th.
We should wait some people to report here, but it seems to be some kind of issue.
Good to hear I am not the only one. I did get an email from Forza Support saying that they are working on a fix for the issue. Hopefully that is soon.
Whats ur NAT type?
Open NAT: With an OPEN NAT type, you’re able to chat with other people, as well as join and host multiplayer games with people who have any NAT type on their network.
Moderate NAT: With a MODERATE NAT type, you’re able to chat and play multiplayer games with some people; however, you might not be able to hear or play with others, and normally you won’t be chosen as the host of a match.
Strict NAT: With a STRICT NAT type, you’re only able to chat and play multiplayer games with people who have an OPEN NAT type. You can’t be chosen as the host of a match.
Unavailable NAT: If NAT is unavailable, you’ll be unable to use party chat or connect to multiplayer games for some titles on Xbox Live.
On PC: XboxLive-Settings>Network
On Xbox: Settings>Network
My NAT type is moderate, but always has been ever since I could remember. Definitely not my NAT causing any type of problems, nor Teredo.
It is an in game issue at this point. Got an email from Forza Support that the issue that I am having sounds like an issue that they are already investigating and looking for a fix. Hope it comes out soon or maybe it will fix itself. Thank you for posting!
It can work but it depends on other ppl’s NAT then
I am still having an issue after almost 2 months(2 weeks will be 2 months)
They say they are “working” on a fix but should it take this long? The issue I am having is if I am convoy leader I can’t start a race and it’s hard to find a session. I can do EVERYTHING else in the game.
This issue makes no sense to me. I looked at Teredo, I looked into my internet, I Googled everything… I just want a fix and it seems Forza isn’t going to give me one. Anyone else having this issue? Support says there are but I can’t help but think I am the only one(even though I am sure that I am not). All my friends have no issues. This just sucks, I want to be able to just play the game.