Cannot host events/races!

Every single time I try to host a race/event I get disconnected
Everything seems to be running fine up until the point where the game is allocating the server. At this point, the game seems to get laggy, then BOOM, I’m disconnected, then have to return to freeroam to reconnect
Mind you, I have no issues entering other player’s events or Forza Live events
This seems to have become an issue since the last major game update

System specs:
Core i7 4770
16gb DDR3
3gb HD 7950
Win 10 pro, always with latest updates
Game is installed onto an SSD

My 5.8ghz Wifi connection generally runs around 70-75 Mbps download, 7.5-10 Mbps upload

I don’t see where my issue is coming from

I made a video showing my exact issue:

Had to use my phone to record this, I don't have any video capture apps on my PC