Horizon Open Restricted Format

I enjoy the ease of jumping into a horizon open event and have some proper wheel to wheel action, but i don’t find racing against the same cars with meta tunes and the same cars over and over again very intersting. Horizon Tour could have fitted this well but the AI is not that challenging and neither are the players that queue up in them and the in between freeroam races is not interesting to me.

Me and many long term player will easily have accumulated 100-800 cars in all manner of configurations. And i enjoy that the weekly trial in that it restricts to a set of cars or a specific setup for cars i don’t usually get to use or that i may have a setup for already. And just having this in a rotating format i think could be fun for some.

So i’m thinking Horizon open but have 2 random restrictions. It would be the usual A800, S900 etc in terms of performance but could then have a RWD and Offroad Tires restriction, Italian and FWD, Race tires and FWD, Convertible and Offroad tires. Europe and the 2000s. It would maybe lean in to the more fun and goofy side of Horizon and encourage unconvetional builds. I think it could be a good mixup type for those that want something with more variety but still challenging nature of racing others.

Some restrictions are just not going to work together if there is a small pool of cars to begin with so some may need to be cut from the pool of possible restrictions. Or it could be a set for a month. “Cars in restricted may need to be one of these randomly chosen restictions this month” and it don’t really have to make sense either: RWD, AWD, Offroad-Tires, Mid-Engine, SUVs, 1980s, 2000s

And then it can rotate around two of these each championship so you may get RWD and AWD one round, Mid Engine and AWD the next, RWD and 2000s. And at one point you get Cross Country event but in race tires which for people looking for this type of race would absolutly be up for when everyone is limited to it.