A user created Tour that can be played solo vs AI, convoy only vs AI, open multiplayer vs AI, Convoy only PvP, and Open PvP.
Car restrictions, including custom restrictions
Drivetrain restrictions, including AWD, 2WD, FWD, RWD
Freeroam between races togglable
Eventlab creations can be included
up to 10 events for solo/convoy only, up to 5 for open matchmaking
Custom lobby thresholds for open matchmaking (at least… at most…)
new location on map and new tab in menus for searching for lobbies
search parameters for lobbies (road racing only, RWD only, no freeroam, etc)
lobby setup sharecodes that will work for all submodes (Solo vs AI, Open PvP, etc)
both free-for-all and team options for PvP
Best thing they can add to this game, in my opinion even better than ranked.
Why this post isn’t trending more? I think that this exact proposition is what this game badly need
I sure wish something would be done but even te actual online open series haven’t been updated or barely yet …
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Ask myself this practically every day. I really honestly believe it is the racing endgame that will fill a large portion of the hole that a lot of people feel this game has.
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Closest I saw to what Forza should and could do are the AR12gaming champ. With custom races. So little could bring such a big hype back in this online community.
It’s strange that they removed it - they’re so focused on Game Pass people coming back every week to play, yet they barely offer anything beyond online and the Festival Playlist.
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