Horizon Festival season is stuck at 97% although it was 100% a few days ago

I’ve been doing all these festival challenges for a “Encore?” achievement since it was announced there will be the last two festivals in FH4.

Yesterday I logged into the game and saw that my Summer season was completed by 97%, but a day before this it was 100%. People on Reddit told me that it happened because before the seasons changed, I logged off the game from the Lego Island. I too noticed before that if I open a festival challenges on a DLC map, it says that Photo Challenge is not completed despite it being opposite.

Is there any way to fix it? I really want that achievement to be unlocked since I’m about to unlock them all.

That is the problem, and no, there’s no way to fix it retroactively. Always log off on the mainland.

edit: And don’t spend season change on an expansion either.

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Yeah, it’s a really unfortunate bug if you don’t know about it. It’s still around in some capacity in FH5, only there it affects the Trial. (Or at least it does visually, I don’t know if it actually affects your completion there.)

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