Horizon 4 Seasonal Co-op Challenge Matchmaking Timer

I have been completing the seasonal playground games, and trial events. I’ve noticed that after you choose to participate in the events, there is a timer that counts down from five minutes or less, depending on when you choose to enter. Once that timer runs out, another timer starts at 10 seconds, and you have to press a button within 10 seconds to enter the round. If you don’t get to freeroam and press the button within 10 seconds guess what? Wait another five minutes to try again. That seems like a very short amount of time as I’ve missed this dozens of times and had to wait for virtually no reason for the next round. Perhaps a more reasonable amount of time to get back to freeroam would be like 15 seconds? For online adventure it is 30 seconds?

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Maybe just stay in freeroam until it runs out like most people would do
Or just dont do anything that takes that amount of time
Its less than 5 minutes

Never been an issue for me
Its only 10 seconds so other people arent sitting around doing nothing for even longer after they have already waited long enough

I’m glad that you can speak so definitively on what “most” people would do, however you don’t know what most people actually do, and this is your singular opinion. Also, you speak like you know definitively why the timer is set to 10 seconds, I’d like to know where you got this information?

If you aren’t going to reply to a thread in a helpful manner then perhaps don’t bother?

My intent is to try to provoke change to make the experience better for ALL PLAYERS, as there could be a better balance with the timing.


So you know there’s a timer when you enter an event. And you also know there’s another timer that requires your attention within ten second of the first timer ending.

What I don’t get is if you know all this, why not use the original timer as your guide, and don’t go in to a menu at such a late time? That seems like the logical thing to do.

The 10 second timer is there for players that are willing, able and ready to play, giving the best chance of a full match.

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Nope you are doing it for yourself…not ALL Players at all

Yeh change timing to suit you…so others can sit around and wait for YOU while you play by yourself

In your own words
“I’m glad that you can speak so definitively on what “most” people would do, however you don’t know what most people actually do, and this is your singular opinion”

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I agree 5 minutes is a little too long, 4 would be better.

I completed the co-op today to win the DD Jeep. Unfortunately, I did have to join multiple groups till I was paired with competent drivers not trying to run stock vehicles…but I digress…At no point in time did I have an issue with running out of time. Maybe I just have better awareness when it comes to segments of time. What I can tell you is that I:

  1. Do not leave my desk or controller unless I know for a fact I will be immediately back before time runs out.
  2. I make sure I have the vehicle and setup I want to use before I start “looking for a group” (You will not have a “surprise change in class or category when doing these events”.
  3. Pay attention…

None of the above are unreasonable. In fact, I’m betting that talby71 is probably correct in “assuming” the percentage is pretty high that people use logic and common sense when it comes to these kind of events. Just because he didn’t agree with your assessment, doesn’t mean that he’s not being helpful. Data that supports this concept is available, seeing as this is the first time this request has come up in 4 variations of this game (That’s roughly 7 years of game life starting with H1).

Not really wanting to be mean here, but the “problem” you have is easily defeated with logic and common sense, and not more adjustments to code in this game.


The next event begins in………minutes needs to be done away with all together and matchmaking start as soon as you join event.

It’s better to matchmake everybody at set intervals to ensure full sessions. For events that aren’t very popular this can help improve the chances you will find someone.

I believe the timer has been decreased recently so it’s not 5 minutes anymore. I think PvP seasonal events should have the timers increased to every 10-15 minutes because many times you only go against one person or it doesn’t find anyone (makes getting those rewards too easy with so few players).

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there are not any PvP seasonal events we are talking about the trial and games both team events.
having to wait for that timer then start matchmaking anyway is a time wasting pain especially for the seasonal games where so many think it is ok to quit after have made a commitment by joining.

The timer is there for a reason, which probably helps increase the chance of having full sessions by bringing players in at the same time. It’s just a few minutes long. Matchmaking would likely be longer without it especially near the close of a season.

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