would anyone be willing to help me write a full list of skills in the game?
I just posted in a suggestions thread to get an in-game list (clearly never going to happen as this issue has been around for over ten years) and am trying to put together the skills that are there in a sort-of once-and-for-all way
it’s a bit of a job but I think the best way to do it is do a table and maybe share on google docs or something
or write a list here that gets updates with whether it’s clear what it means
it really would be useful to have a definitive list in the game, PG-T10 presumably do in fact have a list that could be put there very easily but as noted I’ll eat my hat if it ever does happen
Doesn’t cover everything, but most of it.
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yes, that was one of the two I have found - @EamonEejit put the thing in the suggestions thread
it’s still unsatisfactory, though, so I thought compiling a comprehensive list based on what actually occurs in the game might be a useful project
I think my favourite is “Fruit Salad” when you knock dowm a yellow post at a speed zone.
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is that definitely in horizon 5?
not sure that I’d seen it but I haven’t been looking
there was one in horizon 3 and there were fruit stands everywhere in horizon 4
Yes definitely a speed zone yellow post hit.
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weird - but not a speed trap post, it seems!
something else gives a Fruit Salad, up near the telescope there are some cones in place of a missing fence panel, just to the east of the telescope and a digger, there are cones, a light, a wheelbarrow and a couple of other things I haven’t quite identified - drive through that lot and a Fruit Salad pops up
just worked it out - there are blue objects a bit like half a bonus barrel, they are bags/containers with handles containing . . . rope I think - they also give Fruit Salad