Can someone explain what constitutes a dirty lap…
I know the obvious bits eg…Contact with another car/wall. Leaving the track.
What I dont understand is how sometimes I will be racing and my lap is classed as “dirty” after 0.001 seconds. I cross the line to start a new lap and immediately it is called dirty. Surely having a rolling start is the point of trying to set fast laps.
Here’s a thread for ya
when you put the auction house on forza 2
Uh pretty easy if you use some critical thinking.
-Drafting is dirty
-Off track is dirty
-Making contact is dirty
-If you dirty your lap in the last 2-3 turns your next lap will be dirty as well
In addition to the pointers above, I recommend that you use Rivals mode for setting your leader board times. It alleviates the need to avoid traffic, entirely.
if you get off track or do something else to dirty a lap in the last timing section, your next lap will be dirty. This is to prevent cheating on a previous lap in order to carry more speed into the new lap. But it is frustrating on tacks like Le Mans where the last section is before the Porsche Curves.
never worry about clean laps in traffic. drafting or someone drafting off you makes you dirty. basically if another car can see you on the track you are dirty. being dirty in the last about 10% of a lap automatically makes the next lap dirty as well. dirty does not mean you made a mistake, it can mean a car was close enough to draft/see you.
It is the last timing sector, not the last 10% - the last timing sector can be as much as half the track distance.