same here, got gt650m, i7 2670qm 12gbs of ram and latest drivers, I actually tried to download at in torrent and install it with pwershell, opened it and it says incompatible graphics driver, system memory doesnt meet the requirements, unsuported cpu and gpu, but i actually see some with gt650m run this game
GT650M < GT740 so won’t work
i7-2670qm < i3-4170 so won’t work
Torrent (how legal/illegal you might call it) contains 1 file that is different from the Store-download so MIGHT not work
So to bring bad news but your PC is CPU-wise 4 years too old to comply with the minimum requirements.
If you’ve tried changing the install folder for winstore apps it can do this.
Try pressing Win+R and in the pop-up box type WSReset.exe That should reset the win store cache/app and might let you install.
It’s not guaranteed though as the win store is a massive pile of garbage. I reported numerous issues during the windows 10 beta and they are all still present. Good old MS really listening to customers…