So i was in an r class lobby when some guy pulled out his supra '98 which has the exact same stats as the aston martin dbr9 which is impossible anyone else come across this
This is no big deal it happens all the time, he’s not a hacker. I always drive p class and I’ve raced veyrons, Hennesseys and the other day for the first time a vw beetle. They were really in mazdas and it’s just the game glitching out. It’s pretty funny seeing a Bugatti handle as good as the mazda
The weird things in online races related to lag will probably never get truly fix until some alien technology appears, they had been there from the start, you just need to get used to it. If you had play GT5 & 6 you’ll know the lag is much worse there, even when everyone has good connections, their car never move smoothly on your screen. While in Forza, sometimes the connection were so good that i thought I was playing single player, almost no need to worry when getting side-by side with other, in GT you would pray the guy beside you don’t teleport and hit you flying to the edge of horizon. (okay i might have exaggerate a bit lol)
from what I’ve seen in multiplayer hackers abound. Online is riddled with glitches of all sorts. floating cars, invisible cars, cars that pop from behind you to 200 yards ahead in a split second, cars that overtake by driving straight through you even though neither car is ghosted. then theres the sound issues, static, crumps, crackles and blanks followed by out of sync sounds.
then there are the players who avail themselves of the diff glitch that allows them to circumvent the game physics and standard conventional tuning wisdom. that’s why loads of (ahem) top drivers now use TCS so much. The race diff tuning option should be removed from the game or given a performance index (PI) value of say 50.
in addition reporting and blocking is useless. My friends and I have blocked and reported a number of players. yet there they are when we race multiplayer. it seems blocking is particularly ineffectual.
being a day one adopter and having played online most of that time I am sick to the bottom of my heart of being smashed off by some twit who has learnt to play forza by completing the career mode (sorry, in-game demolition derby championship). The sight of yet another twacked up civic 97 or lotus elan zipping round like slot cars, impervious to error and defying the laws of physics makes me long for the simple days of Gran turismo. in fact it makes me long for my xbox360 and forza motorsport4 tbh. ashamed as I am to admit it FM5 has forced me into smashing back in multiplayer its that bad.
painting in forza was my hobby. its not now, im not credited with anything for the time I spend in game painting, unlike tuners…
The problems you described in paragraph 1 are lag related. If you’re playing with people from the other side of the globe, there will be issues no matter how good peoples internet connection may be. That’s why I get frustrated racing people from Australia. Its all good for a bit until the lag tornado hits. Lol. Additionally if your connection isn’t great, that’ll only make things worse.
So are you the one who came up with the diff glitch that doesn’t exist? I can promise you that there is nothing special about diff tuning for leaderboard or standard lobby cars.
The issue is not the diff, it is tcs. If you can drive a car with tcs on and not make the tcs kick in, the car grips just a little bit better. This how you get rwd cars with stock tires to handle good enough. Its nothing to do with magical tune setups. Its simply taking advantage of the benefits tcs provides if you can use it properly.
This trick will still be utilized even if the diff adds a lot to PI. However, for its benefits, the diff should be worth several more PI but the same can be said for race suspension and sway bars.
I trust the guys I know. I trust myself and what I’m seeing. I’ve been driving for 34 years in the real world and playing video games even longer. This issue with the diff is real. I’ve seen it repeatedly. iirc the race diff actually adds no PI whatsoever when fitted.
I know the diff adds nothing to PI or sometimes a point. Its been like that for many games now. Its not a glitch. In its default setting its not all that beneficial and I guess that’s why the PI effect is negligible. Its only when you tune the diff that the car becomes better. How’s tuning a tunable part a glitch? There’s no glitch to get the diff better than others.
There is however trial and error to find the setting that feels right to you though. I mean heck, my team has shared many tunes and its common for each person to adjust the diff to something a bit more comfortable. This is why everyone is confused because you can use pretty much use any diff setting to set a top time.
Now if you’re referring to how the PI is calculated, then yes the diff and all other tunable handling parts are undervalued by the PI system. That’s a completely different issues though and not a glitch. A glitch is an unintentional programming error that players have found a way to use to their advantage over others who have no clue. The way the PI is calculated is intentional and every player has the ability to use the parts as deemed fit. If it defies logic/realism it doesn’t matter. Take that up with T10, not the players.
Contact turn 10? you must be joking. they have zero customer service. I am beyond wasting my very valuable time on them. The term glitch whilst not technically correct indicates the feeling that the diffs are being used to ‘tune’ cars, in conjunction with traction control (so I am told), so that their performance is beyond what you would expect a car in a given class to be able to do. The most distinctive thing is the ‘buurrrp, buurrp, burrrp’ noise of the engine as they use the tcs and diff to obtain slot-car racer handling. Its nothing to do with talent, its to do with finding the limitations of the game physics and figuring out how to exploit it to unfair advantage. I would assume to some this effectively constitutes hacking/cheating. That is they believe the diff ‘glitch’ is being used to override the intended ‘sim’ style gameplay.
if it defies logic and realism it very much does matter. Making such a comment would suggest sportsmanship and skill are absent from your current skillset??
If you really knew what to complain about you would actually have a point.
The diff has very little to do with it.
The buurp, buurp, buurp noise you refer to I believe is the sound of the rally engine swap. It is over powered. Most people know that and it is something to complain about (an imbalance in the game).
Or you could use the rally engine yourself and get your gear changes right and you have 90% of the benefit.
There is no unique tuning setting that makes this unbeatable it is simply people using the power band of the engine.
The car looks like it handles well because it is tuned well but mostly the drivers know how to drive well.
No matter what it is though how is it something worth reporting them for if all they have done is used a part available in the game and moved a slider that is in the game?
You want a level playing field. I primarily use 3 tunes in C class.
Chronic 1-'74 celica (long to mid tracks)
Frs jose - lotus elan (mid to short)
Vgt- '04 subaru (alps)
Assist- brake line, TCS(rwd)
If you can’t run top 100 with this setup, then I guess you have less than no skill.
I believe that adding a diff in previous Forza’s actually decreased the PI by 1. Man, I don’t know what type of reefer your on. But please keep it to yourself. All this jargan is going over my head so fast I probably need a hat. There is NO diff glitch. Whatever you’re being told and whoever is telling it to you, is so far out the ballpark they might as well be in the carpark. You can tune the diff in real life, and you can do it in nearly all simulated games (Although everybody knows Forza is an Arcade game). I for one could either choose to use a diff or not use one, I still wouldn’t bloody no the difference and most likely do the same time. If your cars are feeling like slot-cars throw them my way, cause all these cars in this game feel like a donkey (use your imagination children). I especially laughed at it has nothing to do with talent. Nah you’re exactly right mate, it has nothing to do with talent. Anyone should be able to pick up a controller and do a number lap time like yourself… Hold the ticket. Let me just go get Daveyskills or TPR Rayzor JDM or even… that dreaded TPR Zermatt how many laps it took them before they glitcher/hacker title worthy. I’m sure it wouldn’t be many because its no’t about talent at all. Or practice… Because anyone would think otherwise is an idiot. Oh yeah have a watch this too, I’m sure it will add up to your diff glitch expectations and slot car handling expectations!!!
Look there is no diff glitch or some secret to setting a fast time…its just plain simple tuning/building and getting better at the game…
Yes we all know the game is a little broken lol, with the aid of too many tyre choices and engine swaps via tcs, but it still takes skill to drive these cars…
So if the game allows it then its not a glitch and you can just drive a ‘‘diff’’ car lol.
You can’t be serious? The whole point of tuning is to make the car better. And yes after tuning the car is usually better than what it was pre tuning. Sometimes the car is way better and other times just a little bit better. It depends heavily on how good the build is. There is no unfair advantage here. If you can’t tune or refuse to use certain parts, then you’re only making things harder.
Tuning the diff or just tuning in general is completely realistic. Just look at Nascar and all of their build restrictions to make the cars even but a good or bad day is often caused by the car setup aka its tune.
There is no cheating going on since everyone has the same tools at their disposal. Its skill that separates #1 from the rest. There’s also no hacking going on since once again there’s nothing to hack. All things are available in game.
The tires will make noise whether you’re using TCS or not when you’re driving the car right at the limit of losing control. When you finally cross the limit the car will drift with no TCS or the TCS light will flash. To get a top 20, assisted with TCS or not, you want to be right at the limit but not over it.
If you’re lighting up the TCS every corner, you’re not going to be top 20. You may get top 100 on a few tracks like the top gears and dominate lobbies because they are super slow but that’s it.
TCS does give some cars just a tad bit of extra grip if you can keep the TCS light from flashing. Once it flashes the car immediately starts losing speed. It takes a lot of skill to keep the TCS light at bay.
Know who you’re talking to. Toffo and myself don’t use assists and we both know in certain cars we would be a few tenths quicker with TCS on. After all, we both know some of the fastest in the game so its hard not to learn a few things.
It adds no pi because it does not improve car performance just gives you the option of how your car behaves on and off throttle as all other tuning options. You carrying on like everycar should be stock tuned. Tuning is what this game really excels at compared to any other driving game. If you think people are getting the upperhand on you due to glitches/tuning you can try the rivals events that run default cars. I can promise you the outcome will be the same.
Its time to get faster my friend not complaining about fast guys whom work hard to get they times. Also reporting someone in a negative manner because they are good at something is not the way to go. You are abusing the system through ignorance