Graphics - VRAM Exceeded warning message after Update 7 (1757776)

After updade 7.0 , averytime I start my first race,I get VRAM Exceeded warning. Although in the grafii settings, it says that I am only using 7 GB of the 10 VRAM, and after 20/30 minutes fps drops continues and a need restart game

I can confirm the VRAM warning, I am running a Radeon RX 6600 XT at the high preset, Window resolution and FSR off, the estimated amount of memory used is 4151MB out of 8147MB.

However, I do not experience the FPS drops.

yes.its showing once for the first race after boot.

I saw it today too, when starting my first race in the career mode, after practice. Yesterday I was just test driving in the free play mode and that message didn’t show up.

I’m using only 5 out of 8 GB of VRAM and didn’t make any changes to graphics settings since Update 6.

EDIT: It happened again on the second day.

In Benchmarking this message apperds too

Found this in steam community

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same issue for me. think there is an error since last update. more stutters too.

Agree. They messed something up. I’m running a 4080Ti and get this message.

I have the same issue

Had the same warning and I’m seeing 100% GPU and VRAM usage. Wasn’t this high in patch 6. Not sure what they’ve done.

Running a 3080. No changes to graphics settings between versions.

I have experienced the same problem after Update 7. I never got a VRAM memory message prior to update 7. I have not changed my graphics settings. I have not changed my PC equipment in any way. The only change was Update 7.
My PC is on the higher end probably; i9-11900K 8 cores 5 GHz overclock, RTX 3080 with 10 GB DDR6 VRAM; 64 GB DDR4 system RAM with 32 GB shared giving a total of 44 GB available GPU memory, one display 2160x3840.
Prior to Update 7 my system easily passed the game benchmark test and maintained a stable 60 FPS rarely dropping to 57 or 58 FPS. Running a performance monitor during the game, it appears to be having a problem accessing the shared system RAM and treats the hardware like there is only 10GB available instead of 44 GB.
My solution at present was to swap out another GPU with 12 GB VRAM, and to lower a few of the graphic quality settings slightly. I expect is was the added VRAM that made a difference. With that change it returned to baseline performance, no more VRAM warning, and passed benchmark test.

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I got the warning earlier this week.
The annoying part was that it popped up at the start of the race, making me miss my launch and it didn’t even ghost me…


This is killing off multiplayer for me. Fed up with getting this message.

Why the GPU is always 100% and the VRAM spikes I don’t know. Wasn’t like this in patch 6.

Soon as the warning pops up it’s rock solid 60 fps down to 35 fps. Patch 7 introduced this.

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This is still happening with the latest patch

Running on an RTX 4060 Laptop, ASUS ROG Flow X16, absolute garbage performance, at high preset struggles to reach 60FPS, Whereas no problem whatsoever in FH5, easily reaching 100FPS at higher graphics settings

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Same here 3070 TI user @ 80% ~ of vram usage, this problem has started after last update, my framerate is locked at 60fps,

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