Want to read the Speedo on your Mazda MX5? Too bad, should’ve bought a 20 year old project Gotham game. This is completely inexcusable on a $150 2023 racing Sim. Disgusting. We should get our money back while you lot go back and fix your unfinished mess.
Looks like N64 Jerry
must be a pc with some lower details setting…on xsx it looks nothing like it. but I think he reffers more to the ability to read the meters than ovr graphics. I agree, ovr fidelity might be low but meters should always be clear to read.
Welcome to PC at anything but 4K resolution.
I play at 1440p. My game looks nothing like this. Stop.
Cool, glad someone has decent graphics. Shame there’s so many reports, I guess everyone needs glasses then?
I can only speak on what I see on my Samsung G9. Here are my specs: Strix 3090, 64MB RAM, Ryzen 9 5950x. I have 4200 flight hours in MSFS. That has made me extremely picky w/graphics in games. This title surely needs optimization, but I’ve seen nothing on my panel that looks close to the OP’s pic.
Ah, I think I see my problem, it’s too much RAM! Where did you manage to find a 64 Megabyte kit?!
4 x 16MB sticks on my board.
My iPhone pics of the game look better than the OP’s pic. Come on guys. It’s far from perfect, but it’s definitely not that.
I present you, the same race in 1080p and 4K on the same settings other than resolution. It’s hard not to see the blur.
Edit: do ignore the FPS counter, frame rate was not the priority of these shots.
I don’t disagree at all. It’s definitely there. Optimization is a must. Hopefully they give us frequent patches until it’s where it should be.
Here’s what I’m working with. Everything is maxed out aside from the windshield reflections. I drive w/the bumper cam. This is the only game I use V-Sync on. I watched a DF video on YT that suggested using it. Apparently the game is V-Synced in its code…or so they say. That cleaned a lot up for me.
I was about to create a post about graphics but luckily found this one.
Agreed. I find the graphics shockingly bad as well. I revisited FM 5, 6, and 7 to make sure it wasn’t just in my head. It wasn’t, unfortunately. The track and car detail is just not good for a Series X AAA title. Tracks look blurry, the skyboxes are not too impressive and have colour banding in certain conditions and the HDR is off for sure.
Shocked that this was released in this state, even though looked rather good in the pre-release footage. Didn’t Maple Valley have a ferris wheel or something? Where’s that?
Car cockpit and external details not good either. Just shockingly bad.
I’m on a 65" OLED, and both FM7 and FH5 are jaw dropping compared to this.
The unrealistic damage ruins it. You cant have a driving sim without a crashing sim also. Go hand in hand. Take a look at beam ng and learn sonething from them.
Hi all, loving the atari jokes, but no that’s just how bad this game is on Xbox series X on a 4k tv. To test if it was just due to weather or settings, I setup the exact same car, with the exact same settings, taken on the exact same phone, however from horizon 5. The difference is, as I said in the title, inexcusable. And y’all will probably say “it’s fine on my one million ram $20k PC” but for the rest of us plebs on console, this really isn’t good enough.