Goliath glitched out

Boo lap 40 out of 50 Goliath glitched out on me , there’s 8 hours down the drain grrrrrrr

Another one

Dont do such long races
If you do you run the risk of this happening
Doing any more than 10 laps you take that risk

Only about 100 threads on this forum for this same issue

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I do two or three four lap Exhibition Races a day. Rinse and repeat for best/stable results!


Is the reward progression linear? Meaning you get the same per lap for a 5 lap as a 50?


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I believe so. While I’ve never done or even attempted a 50 lap Goliath race before, I have noticed that the base credits/XP reward for a 5 lap race is right at 5 times the base reward for a 1 lap race, and a 10 lap race offers a base reward 10 times larger than a 1 lap race.

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Not sure why people even do long races. Only thing I can think of you saving might be perk points. But is it really worth the headache if something goes wrong???


I agree
And how hard is it to get a stackload of perk points anyway
Got 15 in one skill song yesterday

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I usually run 20 to 30 minute races. It fits into my schedule best. I can’t even imagine doing these 8 or 9 hour pulls like some of these guys on YouTube do. I run with rewind off so the repercussions of wrecking five hours into an eight hour race would be heavy.


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Me again.

Is it common to be suddenly disconnected during a Goliath race over 3 laps? This just happened Online within the last few minutes of me typing this. Not sure about the two other players if they were booted also.

The race in question was a 5 lap race and I was coming up to begin lap 5 then the screen went black and that’s when the disconnection occurred. Very bloody annoying, but not to worry as I just won’t bother playing as often.

I set up a 3 then 4 then 5 Lapper in Exhibition and I have had no problems and am enjoying myself against the AI. Rinse & Repeat many times.
Suggest the same as I do not do the Online version.

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I’ll just stick to the single lap Goliath events from now on, even though I’m going through the daunting process of tuning all the vehicles, which the Goliath track helps me achieve.

As for playing offline? After the way the Drivatars behave, it’s rather off putting with the way they have the most amazing turbo/traction combination I’ve seen.
I feel like a broken record with having to be negative about it, but it’s me nitpicking as per.

I’m impressed that you can get it to run 3 laps before disconnecting. I have a 50/50 success rate at finishing a 1 lapper online with friends before someone drops out. Maybe it’s just me, but the FM and FH games have had significant connectivity issues for me. The Crew, Star Trek Online and Neverwinter are online-only games I have been known to play, and I can spend hours on them with an average of one disconnect per week. Seems like Forza titles offer one disconnect every ten minutes.

I have the opposite
No issues with Forza but The Crew…dont get me started …i can even play it most of the time …constant freezes almost as soon as i start it…then i give up…90% of the time…and has been that way since launch