Strangely, I’ve seen some people with old low/mid cpus and gpus like a gtx 1660 getting the same bug. I have a very strong PC but I don’t get the timer bug. I play with 60fps cap and I think that’s the deciding factor, personally.
Same here, i have a strong PC but cap the framerate at 60.
I can’t imagine there are many PCs out there that can run at 300 fps and maintain a decent visual quality. I run at 120 fps, but not at max settings and I have a 3080 RTX. I would have to dump all the graphics to their lowest possible settings and run at or below 1080p to get anywhere near 300 fps.
Thats fine but the point is, if you can run anything over 60 FPS you have an advantage over majority of the field.
Ok, I agree that is not how it should be. But unless PGG wants to do something about it, it’s kind of a dead end, isn’t it? I don’t run at 120 fps to gain any advantage, it’s how I want games I play to perform. I’m not capping my PC due to PGG’s incompetence.
You completely remove the issue by segregating platforms as an option even, but clearly they want the metrics of a combined player pool. Question is will that end up smaller in time as a result?
No I completely agree. Its ridiculous. Sad really. People getting danger sign distances of 49,000 feet in a D class car… definitely not possible. And i keep getting a lag when doing a few speed zones and traps where my speed stays c9nstant at 304 on my speedometer but in the middle of my screen the game lags and it drops. So I cannot beat my previous record. Its so annoying. This game has lost so much of my respect I only play like 2 hours a week when it was non-stop before.
Imagine Max Verstappen can turn his BHP up more than the rest of the field is capable of, but he says “it’s okay, I don’t push the button” he knows it gives him the best performance gains which is usually why in racing people pay for the best equipment… so I’m not acccusing anyone, but come on.
I don’t want you having that option as a console player and nor would Charles Leclerc et al.
That’s what you have in your back pocket whether you utilise it or not. You can just flick a switch if you have the right PC.
I was not aware of Crossplay, and just read on how to disable it, which I will be doing when I log in later today.
Perhaps some of the players that looked to be just a little too fast that I considered Intelligent Speed Hackers were in reality those who knew how take advantage of using a PC in the game.
I will be curious to observe the change in capability of the players with this feature disabled.
Just out of curiosity anyone know - what the % of PC vs. console players for this game might be?
300fps? This Guy, needs to be rich, only a 4090 and a R9 7000x to push a framerate like that. Also he needs a Monitor with Very high framerate too.
Problaby less than 00,1% PC players get a chance tô get This advantage
What is the theory behind that fps would make such a big difference?
- driver is able to react sooner and adjust wheel and break and stuff?
60 hz is 17 ms between frames.
120 hz is 8 ms.
I used some settings for a DVD player to delay audio enough to get good lip sync in films - and that was about 30 ms that display took to respond basically.
It does not make sense to me that fps alone is the cause.
I referenced a recent video from Sepi and stated he showed conclusive proof. Have you watched it yet?
No, I found no link to it.
My question remain - what is it about fps that make you race faster?
Our eyes even make images swapped at around 20 hz to look steady and that is how we make video overall look like moving motion.
Our brain does not translate 120, or 300 times a second.
Just a general reasoning???
It’s pretty easy to find it, but I won’t be linking it as it shows how to manipulate the in-game timer. Technically that’d be a breach of TOS.
Well, that was one option I was considering - the timer is fooled rather than driving improved - and why I asked.
Maybe that should be reported to devs so they use a hardware timer in system instead.
There are many simple ways to do that and high resolution ways too down to nanoseconds at least in windows if on MB at least that I also used in software. I suspect Xbox might have one too since MS hardware.
No reason to allow so simple cheating, I think.
It’s not exclusively an FH5 issue. It’s a crossplay issue. I have added a vote to the have option to turn it off.
Could be one way to handle it.
But isn’t the final solution to have exact same timer measurements disregarding running on Xbox One and maybe 720p or 1080p and Series S on 1080p and Series X either 1080p or 2160p.
It all depends what display gamer is having which resolution and fps you get. If you have a display identifying as 720p on Series X that is what you get and lots of headroom for cpu+gpu to increase fps.
Maybe biggest difference is crossplay to PC and Windows, but possible even within console versions. Don’t know this but would be interesting to know if so.
Hear all the time how 30 fps is crap, but still eyes does not process 30 fps anyway, if to do with driving at all.
So all back to that timing is flaky depending on resolution you run. It should be on the ms correct either way. Or maybe Series X running 1080p always win a few secs laptime.
One video I saw on YT he compared tire pressure and ran laps and obviously more consistent than I am, but had quite different times depending on that. If he ran 10 laps and took average or something. Many things can make differences in laptimes.
If you run multithreaded envrionment, and let’s assume time is in a separate thread. Threads are different priority and depending on technique used could have to wait more often with high utilization on cpu on one platform. How much cpu a thread get is not guaranteed, only relative to what other threads and processes are running.
Just makes sense to me.
If you have actually gamed at 60 fps or higher, you would know there is a difference. Especially going from 30 fps to 60. Your eyes aren’t in sync with the monitor when frames are dropped, so there is a stuttering effect.
Someone also did an analysis of suspension compression at different frame rates. The data implied that physics calculation frequency was tied to FPS as well, which can lead to significant different behavior of the vehicle whenever certain physics parameters change at a rapid rate.
That I can understand, I think FM7 do 60 hz calculations tiremodel.
- increased 6 times next FM
Might create a better feel how vehicle is behaving.
Also increased from one spot on tire to 8 spots each tire.