Bring back the FM4 ability to gift cars to our friends. We have our own racing league and i am the race director, i paint and upgrade all the cars and it used to be so easy to make each car, then send them to who they need to go to. I loved this feature and i hope to see it return!
100% agree
Très bonne idée!
Agreed to a 100%
I Agree, but there must be like a restriction be it like X number a day or X number to a friend over a 30 day period to attempt to cull the people who pretty much sell cars with real world money
Personally even with limiting per day it would make it far to easy to sell cars for irl money. Which would break Forza’s Code of Conduct. While it’s a great concept, implementing it in any shape or form outside of the randomized thing we have now would be a nightmare. Modded cars would be everywhere and would kill their value… Their is no solution that would allow this to work properly.
I’d love this but I hope we still retain the random gifting as well, as I don’t want to be stuck with a garage full of rewards cars and stuff that I won’t drive
with the cars going for less than 500k and how easy it is to gain credits especially with VIP I don’t see RMT as an issue. There are some exclusive cars like the Acura in the featured Track Tour right now, but these events seem to last a month and reward one car VS Horizon 5 rewarding dozens of cars with a weekly lockout. Making Horizon 5 significantly harder to keep up with and RMT becoming a growing issue in that game.
@ELMO_109 , could you please change the title to “gift cars”.
Because it’s better to be able to gift cars to everyone, and not just friends.
Back on 360 my family, who all lived in different cities would get together in FM4 and race and chat once a week and just have a good time.
One of the best things in FM4 for me was to be able to gift them all cars because I had a pretty extreme amount play time in and they really only played the nights we were all on.
I could spend my credits to craft custom cars to fit their individual taste in cars and paint them in their favorite colors and match the tuning and performance closely so we could all have fun and the races would be reasonably fair (i still did a lot of sandbagging because it was more fun if they were winning too).
I do understand not wanting to enable cheaters to sell cars for real currency I feel like a reasonable compromise would be to only allow gifting to players who are actually in your friends list or some sort of limit on how many cars can be gifted how often.
Another possibility would be to bring back another feature from FM4/the first Horizon: A Car Club with a shared Garage, that way even if I can’t gift you a car I can set up multiple models tuned to one particular PI and set up and let my friends or family pick from them.
I always invite friends to play, but since they’re mostly new playes, they don’t have many options of cars in their garage. I’d like to gift them a car, to make the game more fun to them. It doesn’t need to be a modded car, but a stock, lvl 1 car. And let them upgrade the car on their own. But the fact that I could give them a car that could allow them to join a restricted race right away would be great!
If you’re not adding the feature to avoid real money transactios, please consider it, restricted to stock lvl 1 cars. The tune and the design can be shared already. So in his case, he could gift the car and tell people about the design and tunig.
I don’t think car gifting is the solution here (there’s lots of complications from it back in the day), but it would be nice if players could share/contribute to cars via a club garage.
Ideally, a scenario where one person could paint cars, another could tune the same cars, and everyone in the club can drive them.
Yeah unlocking a shared vinyl/livery/tune for specific players would be fantastic. Im sure complex to implement and increases risks if it was implemented. I dont really know how they would balance it and make sure credits go where they deserve between the players. Maybe sorta like how in forza horizon 5 eventlab prefab route