Getting rank 10 the easy way

I’ve been trying to work through the last few Star Card objectives before the game starts to really die out, and the online card seemed like it would be the biggest obstacle. Every time I tried ranked free-for-all, I wound up getting rank 12 or 13, and I really didn’t relish trying to work through meta cars and ideal tunes to grind out multiple levels. This month I did my usual race and got rank 12, and I was resigned to finally working my way through the grind, but first I did a ranked team adventure on a whim to see where that put me. It was on dirt, and our team won 3-1, and lo and behold it sticks me in rank 10 and I have the task completed. Easy peasy. I’m not sure how lucky I got, but if you still need to complete that task doing a team adventure might be worth a try.

(Now if I can just find even a single ranked drift adventure…)

I’m not good at these things; I do that and have got League 10 once - thankfully that’s enough even if others quit (which prevents it remembering your rank - no-one gets points), I have not been in a team thing for months where no-one has quit

Guess I did get super-lucky then. Most of our races were close ones so everyone stuck it out.

well, maybe lucky, but it’s certainly very possible that you’re just better at it than me!

as for ranked drift, I think the only mode that works is team racing (free for all might but the other two just don’t work)

Free-for-all is easy to get into, and ranked drifting does work if you can manage to find a session. I got into one last series, but my crappy connection booted me out almost instantly, and I think I would have needed to do it one more time to check off the Star Card entry. As I understand it, the issue with ranked drift is that you can’t join a match in-progress, and there need to be 8 players to start a session, so even though unranked drift still seems to be very popular, it’s very difficult to get enough people searching at the same time to start a ranked session.

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right, good to know - I don’t go looking for these modes much