Get rid of this FOMO nonsense, now please


Especially VIPs/premium ed. owners should get these cars free at some point.

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Get rid of FOMO please turn 10.


I don’t understand why FOMO is used in single player? Why not just add fresh content each week that builds up like a library? What value does it drive taking it away?

I get it for multiplayer, you need to keep things fresh whilst funnelling players into a limited number of options (to enable matchmaking).

But it’s quite simple: additional single-player content that lasts forever means that players can buy the game and complete 100% of the content, even one or two years later.

The formula, which freezes, say, 80% of the content permanently and drip-feeds the remaining 20% on a time-limited basis, ‘forces’ its daily players to log on several times a month to pick up and complete their game. It’s a way of putting you on alert, and frustrating you if you miss something: your game will be eternally unfinished. All you had to do was log in on time!

Oh, and incidentally, like FH, missed content (time-limited reward cars) may be redeemable for a few extra dollars that you’d be happy to get rid of!
:crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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In other words, it’s a “necessary” mechanic for games that aren’t capable of drawing in a consistent player base through merit


Nah, on a more serious note, these franchises put pressure on us to play their games on a very regular basis, which adds up to big numbers and this player retention is priceless.

The days when you could play single-player games at your own pace and then put them away and move on to the next one are definitely over. Games are dragging their feet, at the cost of additional content (sometimes paying for it) that keeps us all on our toes… That’s FOMO, and we’re not about to see the end of it

Heh, I was being facetious. I’m fully aware of what you’re saying. It’s a depressing reality… :frowning:


Yeah, I’m just as sorry about that, mate :face_with_head_bandage:
Come on, let’s hope for a bright future for the franchise (I don’t know how, but I’m hopeful)

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It’s been a hot minute since I turned on a recent Forza title just to play it (not for doing limited-time stuff). Honestly for “enjoyment” rather than completion I’ve either been playing older Forza titles or just other games.

Mission accomplished: FOMO works to boost “eNgAgEmEnT” metrics regardless of whether players love it or hate it.

I don’t even know how many cars I’ve missed out on. The featured events are just too long (aka boring) for myself to complete.

The other side of this is that they are shopping around car and motorsport anythings and have them pay money to be the FOMO for the month or feature in the game, Like Mobil 1 did. FOMO is not go anywhere until it stops making them money, they need that cash as the player count is a joke.
its short sighted, but profit focused.

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Go-Go Gadget FOMO DLC.

Even if they tossed in the game for free, I’d still feel ripped off at that price.


Yet another car lost to FOMO cos I was too busy with work and family.

This is stupid beyond belief.


I absolutely agree that this FOMO doesn’t belong in a racing simulator. Imagine if Microsoft Flight Simulator had “exclusives plane unlocks” that you need to grind for in a limited timeframe and not have the possibility to buy from the market place after. This really is a bad mechanic and needs to go, or at least find a way to make the car available in games after. Taking content away like the endurance races at the end of the month simply doesn’t make sense.


Hoping to see this get pushed up the “chain of command”.

Just get rid of it please, much like the car points nonsense we had initially.



There’s two related threads in the suggestions that between the two total almost 450 votes. Which would put remove FOMO at about 4th in suggestions. It should warrant more attention than it appears to be getting. Although without communication we really don’t know if it is or isn’t getting any attention.


I really don’t enjoy fomo as the next person but without it what does the game really have to make you want to play it?

MP is full of players that have the perks of exploits that have been patched out now… but they get to keep them. Then add in the abhorrent FRR and MP is as good as dead to me.

Single player campaign is non existent and what the builders cup has to offer is totally uninspiring.

The engine sounds of at least half the vehicles in the game are completely off the mark and how they passed any sort of quality testing is beyond me. If I were a manufacturer I’d remove the rights to use the brand considered the vehicles not only sound so far from reality, they don’t even perform like they should without spending a lot of time re tuning them.

Then take into account the performance of the game on every platform, there’s just nothing But the FOMO that this eighth installment has that makes you want to play it.

So I’m of the thinking that the creative director at Turn10 is doubling down on FOMO to save it considering his last idea failed epically.

The community has spoken and it’s time to employ a new creative director to hopefully get the game back on track (pun intended) as the one that’s there atm seems to be MIA


FOMO races are bad, I have to stop playing this game to unlock new cars.

I spend most of my time in multiplayer or tunning cars (IN THIS GAME), but to get FOMO cars I have to get away from playing, since ai races are boring 4f, I just put them in auto drive mode and watch yt or something.