Get rid of this FOMO nonsense, now please

Everybody plays it how they want though. There seems to be a 50/50 split of MP and SP players. Previously I’d get to grips with the cars and tuning in SP, once finished I’d move over I’ve to MP and play exclusively there. I did the same this time, only difference being it took a couple of days.

The other difference is it’s by far the worst MP experience I’ve experienced. Boring, no leagues, cheats, the insane penalties, the meta abusers god I could go on. Anyway it’s not for me that’s for sure.

You can still tune in SP and improve your builds, some of the races are a challenge from the back at max diff and especially if you don’t use a PI advantage so I don’t get the whole AFK thing personally. But each to their own.

Well I did Speedrun sp when game released, but after this I just auto drive most of fomo races.

This is your answer. Without it, you’d have new events dropping every week adding to what would be a pretty sizeable career by now.

Yes, i think we’d all accept the drip feed of content IF it was being added permanently so that we could (a) unlock the cars later if we happen to be away/busy in one month and (b) replay them later using different cars and gradually expanding the career mode.

I really struggle to see how the negativity players feel towards T10 for this approach can be justified. Surely most regular players will do the events the first month anyway, as it’s new content and they will want to try the cars? More casual players are less likely to be as concerned with having every car anyway and more likely t spend time in future if the events are there to unlock going forwards.

Did they even adjust the costs and level requirements? I mean they essentially removed level requirements and you can buy upgrades if you want. But do you even need to reach level 50 for unlocking all upgrades without paying?
I never payed much attention to be honest.
LvL 50 is definetly a waste of time for many pure bred race cars which don`t have many upgrades, that I know!

And on topic FOMO has no place in this type of game, I get it in Horizon to a degree although I am still not a huge fan of it even there.
I can`t stand single player in Forza, AI is infuriating, and you drive slow and boring cars most of the time.

Fear of missing out isn’t a positive feeling. It’s a form of anxiety that really didn’t have to exist, and in this case it’s induced by the videogame industry for profit. I think that justifies all the negative feelings out of principle.

But if that’s not enough, if there’s a series you like, you either have to A) binge it until it makes you sick, or B) lose it forever. Can’t replay it later, because by then it’s gone.

Also if you buy the game later, you objectively get access to less content for no reason.

It’s just a terrible practice that needs to die.


Yes, that’s what I am saying. There is no positive benefit to players here. All it does is cause resentment towards T10 by players who feel compelled to do the “chores” and disengagement from others. It may have short term gains but the lasting damage to T10 is severe.

It should be an easy win for them. Remove FOMO and make all the new events permanent. It’s certain to generate a lot of good publicity and, for a company who prides itself on making their games as accessible as possible, it’s also fundamentally the right thing to do.


AND make the cars available through Rivals e.g. or the Showroom.

Okay, I was a little confused because I thought you meant it in a “why are people so upset” sort of way.
I do agree though, it’s baffling to me that they’re not taking this opportunity to generate some much needed good publicity for free.


whats FOMO?

Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) It’s a practice used by some companies to get consumers involved with their products by putting a timeframe on a product and saying “if you don’t get it in this amount of time it will be gone forever.” It’s a bit predatory imo and feeds on consumers fears of missing something. A prime example are the prize cars for the rotating tours. Once they’re gone that’s it. You don’t get another chance. So it convinces players to play the game, even though they would probably play something else till they get around to it, to collect the cars.


About to be 10 updates into the game and radio silence on cars that are time gated, mutiple threads too, are they ever going to address this??

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That’s sorta like holding a gun to your customer’s head and forcing them to play to earn cars that they have already paid for, isn’t it?

Losing faith quickly in their product, thanks to these shoddy practices. Utter nonsense like FOMO should stay in the Horizon games.


That’s funny. FOMO is more like a humiliation or a threat.


Okay this a genuine question to those who go on about FOMO. Firstly I reiterate all of my previous comments. Created content should not be removed! Especially in a game so devoid of content.

My question is why the conversation about unicorn cars? None of them are OP or must haves, I’m like level 1900 and doubt I have a quarter of the cars available in game. So what exactly is the fear? I mean there are a couple of cars that have been good but nothing that is game breaking or putting anyone in a disadvantage if they choose to or can’t play. There’s still 100’s of cars to choose from that are as good if not better.

Completionists will likely disagree but then they’re most likely to not miss out, so out of all the issues the game has, this seems like such a low down priority for me. Help me understand.

It doesn’t matter if the car is OP or average or bad, it’s about having the car ingame. Ppl just like certain cars for whatever reason it doesn’t matter why and they want to have these cars ingame if they are available and it sucks if they can only get them for a limited time.


Yeah I kinda get this but it’s always been this way. Not just this game but many. With this games there’s so many I personally don’t understand it. I do get the casual FH player wanting it more but the motorsport community has been about having the right tool to do the right job. I think we have that

Take the Sesto Elemento for example… Sure there are better cars in R class, but for many it’s a very desirable car. For me it’s one of my favorite Lamborghini models. For it to be released in-game for just one short month and then be unobtainable indefinitely for people that missed out on it? Especially for a car that was freely available in previous installments? That really grinds my gears.

Then of course some cars would be great to use in organized league racing. A league I used to race with would arrange a list of cars manually balanced with each other and the racers would be able to choose what car to race with. With FOMO/unicorn cars though they either can’t be used or some players with the car would have a choice advantage over other players.


Just came on here to say I too, hate those FOMO stuff. For many, many reasons that have been outlined by others already. I really hope T10 listens and adds proper, evergreen content to FM.

Imagine how much content there would be post launch if the FOMO series’ had been put into the career and left there.

Very disappointing decision to have all this temporary content.


I understand that. But say on a Scale from 1-10 where would you place this frustration?
1 being the least frustrating 10 being the most