Get rid of this FOMO nonsense, now please

A simple one would be to make each new career addition permanent instead of taking it away after 4 weeks.

After a year you’ve now got 13 extra series essentially, and Career feels huge.


I’m done creating stuff in the SNUB, did it before launch and the Horse has now bolted.

Every suggestion is valid, the issue is that only Turn10 decides and I’d say they are probably looking at it closely, just like the ideas put forward in this thread


exactly - whey they got to drag that nonsense into FM? I loved FM7’s career playlist and you could even see which Forza Edition car you can win after completing certain career events.

Are they trying to make this game more like Horizon? Terrible idea!

I wish Horizon never existed. It has ruined FM in more ways than one.

Worst idea ever, I swear. I think they actively want more people to play this through Gamepass than to own it. I personally paid 100 dollars for it and expect EVERY car to be made available to me - it’s up to ME when I want to launch the game to play it not the game developer!


Horizon didn’t kill it, Gamepass did

Didn’t mind H4 and really enjoyed H5 for the online dirt races plus it filled the hole whilst waiting for the huge letdown to arrive.

Now I’ve started doing MP in FM8 and realise that there’s always going to be those “players” in the open class that have to race the meta cars over & over its actually given me something to aim for, building anything but those metas and winning… like who cares who wins if it’s in a meta, so disconnected with the idea of actually having fun whilst battling for position.


I hate fomo and game as service with coffee spoon feeded content, not including track updated those are very nice ngl. the track modeling is S tier. tackles those present in rfactor and assetto corsa comp

ALTOUGH I DO understand the lack of single player features, its because of the lack of tracks that would feel very repetitive, I DO except though that when tracks like Road Altanta, Sebring and maybe some surprises but I dont except anything to be honest, then Turn 10 could elaborate a single player campagn, if more categories emerge, Indycar, Nascar etc…
There is another issue : licensing, since the covid crisis the virtual racing communities popularity skyrocketed, and when games in the past had no issues by putting sponsors on boards or even cars, now tracks, brands and even type of cars have official liscences, NASCAR, Indycar, IMSA and they come with a cost, 2017 and 2024 are miles different in terms of licensing.

Only passionate simulation enthusiasts, developpers stepping out from the mainstream gaming have the oppotunity to get those, studio 397, Reiza studios. because to be honest, programming a single player campagn with car categories is not years in the making. even players can do those by making a custom event by car type, brand, country, cylinder type etc…

I think FOMO in general is pretty bad, but it’s especially insulting when you paid for the game and still have content disappearing.


If they are going to use FOMO, at least harness its evil for good purposes: multiplayer.

For example: a FOMO reward car for completing 10 clean, penalty-free races within a certain time period.


  1. Fuller lobbies.
  2. Cleaner racing, meaning less griefing, reporting, and enforcement.
  3. They can leave monthly Tours permanently in the game, thus expanding single player over time.
  4. Turn 10 get their Game Pass $$$.

Just my $0.02.

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Forcing ppl to play MP is a horrible idea.


That’s what I was going to say then I scrolled down :smile:

That’s exactly what FOMO IS!, forcing you to do something like a dog with treats


Turn 10 aren’t going to remove FOMO. Almost 6 years of FH4 on Game Pass and almost 3 years of FH5 have probably cemented the business plan.

Unfortunately, FOMO most likely isn’t going anywhere, and currently it means diverting people to a lackluster single player experience all the while multiplayer lobbies are dirty and getting emptier.

I like where you’re going with trying to apply FOMO in better ways, but knowing the clowns playing this game, I’d fully expect the circus to be out in full force intentionally trying to stop others from being able to accomplish tasks like this.
Ruining things for others seems to be some people’s idea of “fun.”

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Imagine forcing every person (drinkers, drug addicts etc.) included to play the weekly MP, yes it would be a real mess.

But some ppl don’t seem to understand there are drug and drunk ppl out there.

If you FORCE EVERYBODY to play a game, then you get EVERYBODY.

You ever watched videos of ppl that used fentanyl? They look and behave like zombies. And the fentanyl wave is all over western countries, look at US, UK, GER. There are zones where ppl behave like zombies.

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Don’t need to imagine it - been seeing in the Forza Horizon 5 weekly Trials for a long time. :woozy_face:

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If penalties and matchmaking starts working properly, then the intentional griefers will be stuck in E rating pool.

(As an aside, Turn10 could make the game auto-kick and ban for ONE hour should a player get 3 contact (not off-track, etc), penalties in a single race.)

That doesn’t help. Ghosting the lobbies and removing the primary motivation of griefers to grief will.

Ghosting lobbies will ruin the game and some will then move on to another game that’s more realistic. I people want ghosting, they can play Rivals.

…So, we’re just going to ignore the larger picture, huh?

Already happening, bub.

Since Turn 10 won’t do what they need to do if they want to have unghosted lobbies and pretend to be a major player on the stage, ghosting lobbies is the one way left for them to avoid driving off what few legitimate players remain. Because maybe you haven’t noticed, but the rest of the game that’s not a GT Sport knockoff isn’t doing too hot.

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Agree to disagree.

I think they should double down on FOMO. Each month players should get a reward for having raced on a specific track; but never tell us which track it will be so we will have to race on every single track every month if we want to ensure we achieve every FOMO reward. Now that’s how you drive engagement at the cost of your consumers patience. Take notes T10.

Sime people have jobs turn10. Fix it.