Hello all.
I’ve been chatting with KoolIROCZ1967 recently about hosting some of my own GearHead Tuning Shop events for the forums here, but I wanted to post first just asking if anyone would even be interested. I know the game isn’t what it used to be, but I also know that there are still plenty of us still playing the game (myself included).
Much of what I would like to do would fall into two categories: position racing or time attack racing. Classes would range from C to S, and restrictions may vary widely depending on the type of event hosted (to sum, a vast majority of restriction settings would mimic what you would find in real-life professional and/or hobby racing; some racing will have cars/tunes provided, some will require you to provide a car/build/tune of your own). Some events will be single events, some will be multiple heats, and some will be full tournaments.
Ultimately what I would love to do is host a season that would be 10 weeks long (a quarter of a year), with a race every other week (for a total of 5); there’d be payouts for each individual race, and for the season overall. There’d be a two week break between season’s this way, which allows me plenty of time to prep each one. In addition to this, I would also love to host another season (so two seasons would be occurring at a time) that would run for 22 weeks (half a year), with a two week break between seasons. I was kind of anticipating running the short seasons on Saturdays while running the longer ones on Sundays, or vice versa; and the weeks not spent on tournament races could be used for individual, one-time events and/or short heats.
If anyone would be interested, please post here and let me know. I’ll keep the thread bumped throughout the week to give everyone plenty of time to hit me up. If we can get enough people in on this, I’d be more than happy to set it all up; if anyone wants to pitch any help, I’m open to that too. For that matter, I’d even set up the schedule on the calendar on our Facebook page (Redirecting...) just so everyone has a full schedule available (it’d be posted here as well).
I also wouldn’t mind knowing what time frame you guys live in when you post, so that I can best determine when to host the events. I currently live in Arizona, am on central mountain time, and do not have any kind of daylight savings time change throughout the year.
Hit me up guys…
I’d be interested, but I’m not sure if I’d be able to show up to the races consistently (or at all). At the very least I could help with logistics, testing, possibly prize cars and funding, etc. I can usually find time for that stuff as there’s no set time that I have to do it, I just have problems with trying to follow schedules and that’s what usually prevents me from showing up to races.
Sounds great…I’m down for the time attack…count me in
Looks like fun…but i also struggle to commit to a set schedule, work, family, pets or just life in general make it difficult. I think that is why some turnouts for some GREAT comps/race series are on the low side. But if the opportunity arises would love to jump in!
Sorry for the late reply guys!
Yeah, I’ve been conversing with others who have been holding events regularly and have discovered that tight schedules are kind of hard to follow (it probably would’ve been a better idea when the game was fresh out). So instead, I can definitely make some concessions.
I’m primarily interested in time attack racing myself, so I’ll be hosting something more along that line. Instead of a specific schedule, I can allow competitors a given amount of time to compete (truly I’d probably be hosting an event every two weeks). The cool thing is that having season stats and standings is still possible this way.
The fun part for you guys is that I won’t always be providing the car/tune for the event, allowing you to bring your own build and tune (which I think is more true to the nature of time attacks). I’ll also be hosting a specific type of challenge once a month, called the “Street Time Attack Challenge,” which has the most basic restrictions; the car MUST be S Class and the only REQUIRED part on your car is STREET tires–the rest is up for grabs (Import Tuner used to have articles on this kind of racing all the time and I just absolutely LOVED it!). It’s all about balancing power and driving skill with limited grip. And for those of you wondering… Yes, cars that cannot have street tires equipped cannot compete (this is part of what makes it so fun).
As of right now, our internet is rather limited in speed, but we’ll be upgrading to higher speeds within the next month, so hosting events will probably wait until my internet speed goes up, but once it does I will let you guys know when I’ll be hosting events.
I look forward to competing with you guys!
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