I just got a #5 Escort '77 in a wheelspin. Duplicate car. When finding duplicates I usually sort by PI as I have all cars as stock so they’re next to each other. When I did this I noticed the newer car had a much clearer thumbnail picture than the older car. I switched cars and it was still that way around. See below.
Other times I have noticed the colour or a car, or rather how bright the lighting on it is, varies. Tended to be that older cars were lighter than newer ones. That I saw in Horizon 4, too, so obviously nothing is going to be done about this particular undocumented software feature.
The thumbnails are all kinds of terrible in general, like the issue where a gift car with a special livery will show up in you garage with the default livery instead. At least in that case resetting the car to its default upgrades updates the thumbnail, so that’ll probably work here too.
I noticed that too! He should check both cars out and see if the liveries are really different and if he can change the paint without a prompt to make sure it’s not a user created paint.
I just went to the garage and reset the car to default, there’s no Shell on the bonnet in either the thumbnail or Forzavista, before or after the reset
it’s an autoshow car so I bought one (I pressed Y in the Car Collection screen) and the thumbnail shows “Shell” for that vehicle but it isn’t there in Forzavista
I then reset the design and now the thumbnail does not show the Shell logo
Good catch, I looked at it in fh4. The Shell logos were on it there but removed for fh5. It looks like they didn’t update the default thumbnail when they made that change.
Yeah, that’s what makes sense. I looked up some pictures of the real car and it looks like there were other sponsors that were not included. Shell is a little surprising since it’s one of the stock sponsor logos available. I know it’s not that simple though.