Gameplay - AI is too aggressing during race and rams players (1616926)

I’ve been playing racing sims for many years and never has a drivertar purposely nudged me as I’m passing, or purposely crashed into me on a bend. If memory serves, this happened when Horizon 5 was first released. This aggression needs addressing

Not sure if it’s to aggressive or simply don’t react as if you are there, but I can’t count the amount of times I’ve gone past one and had them turn into me.

Occasionally I can get as it could be a ‘mistake’ but you can recreate it almost every race at some point.

Definitely needs adjusting

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Simply braindead… rly hope it’s an bug noone would code like that. We had collisionboxes around the cars in the simplest arcaderacers 20 years ago and “new” forza shows up with stuff like that

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What exactly is happening in the video??
All I see seems relatable :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’d say too aggressive. If you scrape the side of an avatar, that avatar will try and side swipe you off the track.
I’ve notched up a few races now, finished modern tour and half way through enthusiast and I can say that the more you play, the more you will see. This happened on release of Horizon 5 where the drivertars were running you off the road. Seems like Turn 10 have “borrowed” a few things from FH5 and maybe forgot that the aggressiveness was addressed in a patch. In my opinion, rubbing and scraping is part of racing and shouldn’t be run off the road for this, especially not by the computer tards! Lol

This happens all the time in FH5.

In FM my biggest problem with drivatars is some are slowing down to about 40kmh on the racing line in the entrance to corners where that speed is not appropriate, for example the first corner at Catalunya short. Other than being annoying I am more worried about this new “safety rating” when I collide with them doing 100kmh faster than them.


Yes, they do seem to be very unpredictable and very annoying at times when trying to pass them. If you scrape a drivertar at the start of a slow bend they will speed past you mid-corner at twice the speed that you can handle the corner at and also be all over the place, twitching across the track

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What is happening with the AI in this game. High speed straight line brake checks. Ramming like you are playing multiplayer with a grid full of 5 year olds. Don’t get me wrong when you get through the grid of five year olds the top 4 seem to race well. Surely the same AI should be given to the whole grid.

Was playing on Hakone and there were 3 I cars just sitting still on the rce line engines reved as if moving. Dang near crashed into them. Was a 10 lap race and they were sitting for 5 of the laps

On one hand, they’re extremely predictable… in heavy traffic (like on the first corner) they 100% brake on the apex.

They’ll also totally dive bomb into corner… frankly, it feels a LOT like a noob multiplayer lobby.

I think the issue is all 23 AI treat the suggested driving line like it’s crack and they addicts.

Can you please fix the AI of the KI Drivers?

Even in a Sim Arcade Race game, it’s impossible to understand how the AI acts.

The AI does things that you explicitly forbid in your statement about behavior in the game.

Bumping, pushing off the track, cutting into the racing line at excessive speed, braking in a straight line for no apparent reason, complete ignorance of the player in places, etc. etc. etc.

It is completely incomprehensible to me how something like this could slip through quality control and how you can even waste a thought on a serious racing game if your AI behaves so aggressively, negligently and in no way comprehensibly.

This can be used in a Car Crash Derby game, but not in a simulation that wants to appear serious. It’s just embarrassing that you call what you offer here AI.

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Please fix the AI
Real players don’t exist on the track for the AI

AI keep hiting me in every way posible, from behind, lateraly , braking hard in front of me without any reason.
And of course they brake hard in the midle of a curve, and suddenly they accelerate like the devil, faster than your car are able to do.

They also keep hiting and fighting between them, making knots in the middle of the track so the real player can’t pass through and letting the first AI go so far of you that you never be able to reach it.

It’s incredible how the AI, after hitting me, keeps pushing me until I turn around or I’m off the track, it doesn’t stop for anything

There are poblems not only on the first curve, but at least on the first 3 or 4 curves, depending on the track.
I don’t want you to make the AI slower or weaker, but smarter (Intelligent) so we can enjoy racing on career and free play without being on a nightmare of crashes.

I always play with drivatar difficulty 8, on wheel, pedals, shifter, on a high end Windows 10 machine with 13th Gen Intel Core i7-13700, 64 GB of Ram, 4TB SSD PCIe 4, NVidia 4090, etc. This info is for your reference.
Please fix the AI.

Please vote on top of this page.

It seems that the drivatars (AI) is even worse after update 6. It is impossible to start at the back without getting a penalty because of AI bumping / cutting / bad brake behavior etc etc. I thought I was never going to say this, but playing in multiplayer with inexperienced players is even much better at the moment.


We are closing out this issue. The developers have noted this issue as Fixed as of Update 11 on 08.12.24

At the time of the fix this topic had 60 votes.

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