Well my disc no longer works for Forza 5. I think part of the culprit is the xbox since sometimes Titanfall doesn’t play, but I’ve manually restarted the console numerous times today and Forza 5 doesn’t work. I keep getting a grinding noise almost every time I put the disc in. I can put Titanfall after and it works just fine. It is very weird. So is it the xbox or is it the disc, or both? I really don’t want to deal with the hassle of shipping the xbox off and hoping it doesn’t get damaged further en route.
I should note that my Forza disc is in perfect condition and has no scars, smudges, or foreign substance on it. I’ve looked up the topic on xbox.com and it seems I would have to pay $20 just to have it replaced. Is this valid for Forza 5 as well?
If so, why do I have to pay to fix something that I had no part in its failure?
I’m curious if anybody else has gone through this and could share what would be a good idea to do. Do I need to email Turn10 about this?
No matter the outcome, looks like I’m on an extended break from the game unless my disc wants to randomly start working. I’m not pleased to say the least.
I’m not sure if we are having the same problem. The P1 background doesn’t even load. I just get a funky error afterwards that says something to the effect that the disc can’t be read.
Im going to be replacing my xbox here shortly as well. Im getting the grinding noise when inseting games sometimes. Its also chewing up the inside circle of the disc. I was hoping the microsoft would replace both the system and the games but its looking like they will only do the system
If you are having issues with another game (Titanfall) it’s likely your XBOX. A good test is to try out a Bluray. When the drive in my xbox started going it first started with being unable to read Bluray movies. I could reinsert the disc 4-5 times and it would eventually read it but games however would read on the 1st try. Next it just gave up reading Blurays all together and moved onto where it would take several tries to get it to read a game. Mine was a day one edition so it was an early release.
Nope, it’s the disc drive. Remember, he said he hears a grinding noise. Hard reset won’t fix that. Grinding noise is dead give away for a failing Xbox One disc drive. The plastic gears are out of alignment.
So far, my Day One console had been working fine.
Forza Motorsport franchise will be the only game I buy a physical disc for, ever on Xbox One. Everything else will be a digital copy, including when I buy Project Cars in November.
I have same issue but only with Forza… Thief loads perfectly but I play Forza the most… Other discs load perfectly as well. The grinding is very minimal but only happens with Forza. Personally I think the disc itself is cheap… When feel my other game’s disc they seem of better quality and thicker lol
It will get worse and happen with other discs too. For me it started with Lego Marvel Super Heroes and over time it happened with almost every disc, even dvds.
I used the advanced exchange program and got a free game for it.