FWD leaderboard help

Im currently running to beat my personal best on Prague Full -R in B class with an Integra. Im currently sitting 26th in the world, I did that with a stock tune Integra. However, the wheel spin is ungodly. On almost every corner exit, I get wheel spin. Ive spent almost all of forza 6 so far trying to remove or tone down the wheel spin in FWDs but I feel like I just cant do it. Im no tuner, any advice?

If you have a FWD sitting 26th in the world my advice would be to keep doing whatever it is you are doing. It seems to be working. But, since you are asking for help I can tell you this…if you are in fact running a stock tune i.e. no upgrades, there isn’t much you can do because a stock tune will offer no adjustments. The 1st thread you see when you enter the tuners lounge is called “tuning guide FM6”. Read it. Or do what I did and copy and paste it to a word document and keep it in a file on your desktop so you have it on hand. If you are fast enough to get a stock fwd to 26th in the world you’ll be deadly if you learn to tune your own cars.

Dial down your build with less horse power, that might help…

i go higher springs in the rear and dampers it stops the front end lift, also very low bump in the rear to stop the rear end kicking up on rough ground, also diff at 85-100 accel and 0 decel it eliminates torque steer also lowish camber on the front and 0.1 toe out… in the recent fwd leagues i was podeum every race and won most with these style of tunes on fwd, hope this helps