Future multi-monitor support

Anyone know the prospects of future multi-monitor support for Forza 5? I stupidly bought three copies of Forza 5 thinking Turn 10 would continue to support it but am now thinking that I need to return two copies.

I haven’t even heard if the console, itself, supports multi-screen.

That’s immaterial to their question :slight_smile:

The previous FMs (2,3 and 4 ISTR) could have multiple xboxes LAN’d together (with multiple copies of the game), one xbox would be the master (front view) and the others could all be given a slave view (left, right and mirror from memory)

it was extremely immersive

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it is material, if the console cant do it no game on the console can. pretty much the point. and no xboxx 1 does not suport or nor will it. the multi screen set up used systems link, local lan. that was removed for greater microsoft control and selling live subscriptions. if you have to run multi consoles thru your isp and microsoft and wait for a return the lag will make it unplayable. you see people lagging all the time with a single xbox, can you imagine trying to run 3 or 4 consoles thru the same connection? plus it would require 3 consoles signed into the same live account simultaneously which microsoft wont allow. for multi screen forza 5 you are going to have to wait for it to be released on pc…which i also dont see happening.

ms’s original plan was to have all ones online all the time that way it would make a hacked console worthless and stop piracy. they were going to short the customers for the publishers and developers. what we are left with is the remnants of that abandoned policy. all connections must still go thru microsoft servers. the day one update does let the xbox work off line and without kinnect now, but the os that was designed around everything going thru microsoft validation servers is still present. for multi screen you are going to have to go with different hardware and software.

Immaterial? Trust me … I am quite familiar with how the multi-screen feature worked with the Xbox 360 and previous Forza titles. Now, obviously, if the compatibility isn’t supported by the new console, itself, it won’t be possible no matter what game you’re playing. That was the point - my apologies if you somehow missed it.

Wow, rdo3, great points on why multi-monitor support may not work. Didn’t even think about signing in three xbox ones under the new paradigm. Any answers, turn 10?

No, but you can email them at forzafb@microsoft.com.

Thanks for the email address; I added my two cents.

So here is the guy that went and got 3 xbox ones, 3 copys of the game, a cockpit… etc. I’ve goofed, HARD!

Well it has been said a dev kit xbox one can use multi screen, during the whole people found backwards compatible nonsence it brought up a hidden feature with microsoft said will one day be useable by public so its very possible we could do multi screen one day, got no sources but im piecing information that i know allready

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Wish there was some more info on this.