Does anybody know where the fuel usage is when playing in simulation damage/wear? I’ve looked all over the telemetry and it is not there, and Im sure it’s in the game because there is a title/badge for running out of fuel in a race. Thanks!
I’ve been playing since November and never noticed the fuel gauge, probably because I haven’t needed to. Unless I make my own long race, I won’t ever have to worry about running low on fuel or wearing out my tires.
if you are going for the achievment use the ariel atom in cockpit view. the fuel is shown on the steering wheel to the 1/10 of a gallon. it also runs out faster than any other car.
You will never need to pit for fuel. Im done all tracks at 50 laps with sim on. Lowest it ever got was at indy oval in x class. Was slightly above half. Wish my car got that kinda gas mileage >.<
try that in the areil atom. depending on your tune and driving style you’ll run out around lap 33. so i recomend doing it in rivals mode and beating your rival so you can just hit the pause button so you can select finish race without needing to make it back to the starting line. and wait for the counters to do their thing and the “continue” option to come back up. after seeing the label pop up on my screen i just shut my xbox down so it didn’t save it all the way and it wont give it to me again because it saved it just enough it thinks i already have that badge. same with flipping my car and winning races without rewind.
I just did this using the Audi R-18 on Sebring Full. Managed almost 39 laps at about a 1:53 per lap pace. Took me just over an hour.
Sure there, might be quicker ways to do this, but I have a ton of fun taking the R-18 around. Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D
It really depends on the car - T10 seem to have more accurately modeled the fuel tank size and relative consumption (The Areil Atom empties its tank pretty fast in the game and in real life).
Did 50 laps at Indy, day before yesterday, in a highly upgraded 2014 Civic. Burned some fuel, wore some tires, but not anywhere enough to warrant a pit. Just pulled it in at lap 25 to make myself feel better about the whole experience. Don’t think I ever went below 3/4 of a tank and 25% wear.
Like others have said, there is fuel burn. It’s more realistic in some cars than it is in others though.
i know the fuel works because i ran the ariel atom out of gas. and i know the tires wear because i ran the tires off an indie car after about 90 laps trying to run it out of gas on the indy oval. at 99% tire your car dosn’t turn so you smack the wall with any speed. without the speed you slide down the banking and cant climb back up on the track. and if you pit for tires it fills your tank back up.