FTC | Viper's Den | September 21st | The Last of Them

Thanks Devlin, Furia, swtluu and Tuba! :smiley:

Out of all the shots my personal pick has to be this one since the idea is fresh and calm.

Thanks guys!


The reflections is making the paint look flashy as hell, I love that.

My favourite from your latest update has to be this one.

Viper, excellent shots as always, been enjoying them on my Flickr activity feed ;-). I especially love the one of the R35 brushing it’s way through a bed of roses =)

Thanks Robot, Pebb and FF!

Thanks for stopping by :slight_smile:

I’ve spent a few hours yesterday trying to get some decent B/W shots in San Giovanni…but they were all bad, not as great and clean as your P1 pictures. Well done, Viper!

I struggle with B/W too, Viper you’ve got it down-pat. Great stuff!

Loving the Jaguars! the shot with the rear just looks incredible though. Absolutely love it.

Oh my, that lighting you captured in all the shots is ridiculous. Loving that lamp post shot a lot too.

Much appreciated guys!

Hard to not like one of your shots bud!

Awesome job!

The focus point in this shot is a bit weird, but i love it

+1 I love it, this shot got my attention and it looks great!

Really nice gallery , but the third B/W P1 is awesome.

Thanks guys :slight_smile: I thought the focus point on that shot was weird too but I decided to keep it.

New page -

Wow, wow, wow and a little bit more wow mixed in!! Stunning work Viper

Oh sorry… I was drooling. The color on the XKR is amazing too! Works really well with the rain shots.

Beautiful pics, Good Job ! :wink: