Friendslist drivatars ruin the game for me

To start, I consider myself to be about “above average” in terms of skill. My lap times in Forza 5 are generally above 10%, some being in the 1% range.

That said, when I play with my usual settings the other drivatars are a decent match. However, even when I turn all assists on and reduce difficulty to easy, my friends and family drivatars win with little effort. The other drivatars will be 30secs back in a 3min race. Friendlists ones will be either neck and neck or just stomps me.

My friends and family shouldn’t be more difficult than any other competitor. My brother has never even played horizon 2 and still wins all the time. It’s ridiculous and ruins the fun for me.

I expect the difficulty settings to apply to all drivatars. If I want to just relax and have fun, easy should be easy. Simple as that.

Is this the way the system is intended to be? If so, I’m done with Forza.

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That’s strange… It’s not like that for me at all. I never play with assists mind you and I have the difficulty set to Highly Skilled and I am winning against my friends. I too have two of my friends that don’t really even play Forza (I think they may have Forza 5 but hardly ever play) and I have friends that play all the time. I don’t find that they are super hard to beat though. I have just started playing though and will soon move up the Drivatar difficulty. You shouldn’t quit so easily. Quitters NEVER win! And besides, why are you sweating being beaten by an A.I. algorithm? If you want to “relax and have fun” then do just that. I tell my kids all the time “you don’t have to win to have fun!”. Seriously though… The game JUST CAME OUT! And you are already talking about being “done with Forza” because you can’t beat the Drivars??? People these days!

Primarily because I’m not fond of the drivatar system in forza 5 either. I suppose what I really wanted was forza 4/horizon with xbox1 graphics, weather effects, and more cars.

If the system is intended to work the way it currently does, then I’m not happy with it. It’s my opinion and why I phrased the topic “ruins the game for me”. Hopefully they might tweek it a bit to make the friends drivatars more in sync with the other racers as far as difficulty is concerned. If not then no big deal. I have other stuff to do.

With limited time to play around with video games, Im not going to power thru and play the game just to not be a quitter. That sounds like work, not a hobby.

Lastly, winning is the fun part for me. Losing is frustrating and feels like waste of time. (again my opinion). I prefer to keep the difficulty to a point where it’s challenging but I can still win if I race well. My complaint is that the friends drivatars don’t seem bound by the difficulty settings.