Issues with drivatars

I’m just voicing my opinion, but I’d like to see what the rest of you think/ have you incurred anything like this. I’ve been playing a good bit of Forza 5 (probably have close to 30-40 hours wrapped up in it so far), and I’d like to think I’m halfway decent at this game. Two friend’s of mine also purchased this game, but have barely played it. This didn’t start occurring until recently, but every race I play in career mode, both of them come in first and second place. I don’t stand a chance due to their car’s being equal to mine, yet somehow significantly faster. Whenever I get close, the engine revs, and wont switch gears until they’re way in front of me (almost as if it’s deliberately doing this to ensure my 3rd place finish). They can also mess up the turns in a big way and still come out way in front of me. In talking to them, I would say they both collectively have less than 1/4 the time invested into this game than me, and that’s giving them a very generous number. In fact, I know the one has only played it for about an hour on a single occasion because racing games really aren’t his thing. But honestly, this takes out a lot of the enjoyment of the game for me. I’m skilled, and thus I should finish well ahead of them. Is there any way (sans removing them as friends from Xbox Live entirely) to block their drivatars from my game?

I get two consistently faster drivatars, usually people I follow, but they’re not unbeatable on mine - at least not on all tracks?

I think that the drivatar skill level you can choose does not affect friend’s drivatars in your races - they run just as fast regardless.