Free M4 and E-Tron

What did you do with the free cars they sent us yesterday?

  • Kept them
  • Deleted them

0 voters

They should have given us the OPI Ford GT and the FE Ford Coupe, I don’t even care that I paid for the stuff at this point, give the people something real.


i tuned the Audi to S1 class as the other one i have i kept in A. i tuned the BMW for CC in A. it handles surprisingly well offroad.

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that was never going to happen but I know what you mean; a car voucher valid for any hard-to-find-or-whatever-they-call-it-these-days would have been better, one that could be used for an extra barn find or accolade car or whatever - but not those OPI or Xbox controller kind of things


I put on ugly liveries for both gift cars, but I also upgraded both with nice tunes, and gifted them to someone.

Yeah I was wondering why I was given cars that I already have. I checked in case they had a special livery. Nope, just standard. Hard to know why.

Edit: Just seen the message in game. It’s compensation for the Auction House being down.

Car vouchers would have been better, I agree. Then players could have used them for cars they didn’t have.

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even better than vouchers, bring back Backstage Passes. throw all the rare cars up for a vote and let people earn a few here and there.


One of them should’ve been the Peel Trident, the only car that has been inaccessible to those who only play offline thus.


I just left them in my inbox. I don’t really need the duplicates taking up garage space right now.


I feel like they shouldve made a new special edition car and gifted it to us… everyone recieves the bmw m4 oops edition

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It will come eventually I’m sure, it was around 2 years into FH4 when Backstage Pass arrived.

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I did keep one of them, the Audi, despite nearly maxing out my garage. The auction house had just opened so I put the BMW in there and it actually got snapped up quickly.

I kept both of them. I guess they’re nice for people who don’t play the seasonals that much (even though they’re pretty much the only thing that awards anything tangible beyond credits and XP).

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If I didn’t already have one of each, I would have kept them. I ended up gifting them.

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Kept the M4 and sold the E-tron as i already had it.

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De-le-ted…Into the ether…


their “fix” of the economy is pointless. rolling back people’s credits is fine, but all that does is penalize players who left the credits sitting in the bank. the ones who spent the money get to keep the cars / houses / progression they paid for. so the smart cheaters win and the casual cheaters lose.

M4 specifically was a terrible gift car because mitch cactus (and friends) dumped 20,000,000 of them into the game. I got that car an hour after the tuesday update and had a challenge card and tune public a week before it was available.

it should have been something older and more rare to the current crop of players. there’s a delicate balance here because a lot of the older prize cars are actually more common, they just happen to be sitting in dormant garages, of players who stopped playing regularly months ago. but those are the cars the current group - who came a little late but stuck with the game - really want. the '15 Jaguar, the Hoonicorn V2, the Peel that someone mentioned before, etc

also, you guys should stop wasting your time gifting cars. I was gifting major prize cars every day for a long time, just for a few kudos here and there, but the ratio of thanks/responses dwindled down to about 1 out of 20. last straw was, I gave away ten of those 143,000,000 Benzes and got one response about a week later engagement is so far down the tubes, anyone still playing has whatever they need. especially now.

I would have liked to see the AMG One FE they’ve been teasing, then quietly removed from the game.

they really nailed it with the Viper AE, the forums rivals challenge was all over it, I jumped on Open and literally everyone in the session was driving it, including nalak and iced tortoise. thats top to bottom visibility. they need to drop more cars into the game that capture everyone’s attention for that season or series, and special edition cars seem like an easy and fun way to do it.

is anyone driving the Viper AE now? not really, but nobody’s driving much of anything. in the absence of lasting quality, let’s have more cheap thrills.

Honestly, I’m very tired of special editions of cars already in the game. That’s a lot of garage space that could’ve been used up by new cars.