Turn 10 should be so ashamed. The new Forzathon does not work any better than the last one. Do an event and hope. That is the pattern. I did manage to get it to register one event. I finished it and the XBox app on my phone registered the accomplishment. But FM7 did not. ??? I repeat - I did the event, completed the event. Somewhere in Turn 10 land it sent a message to my phone that it completed but the XBox app , well it is still waiting.
DO SO QA TURN 10. Lots of people spent $$$ on this game but since its release there have been way too many problems, and way too few fixes.
I really should stay away from these sort of posts.
What exactly are you trying to report.
If you’re seriously reporting a bug or technical fault then at least read the stickies at the top of the page about how to report a bug. Include what format you are using in the thread title. Be specific.
Which event is causing you an issue.
Have you subsequently been able to unlock the reward.
Is it just a matter of time before it unlocks & you’re upset that your phone tells you it’s completed before it shows as complete in game.
Try drinking less caffeine. You seem a little wound up/tense. Maybe try some green tea, I hear wonderful things.
As for the time delay it has registered, after about 20 mins. I really cannot see how the system that sends the notification to my phone works (no time delay) and the actual Xbox app cannot get the notification.
This behaviour is the same as the previous set of Forzathon challenges.
There are many other problems. One of the events wants me to go 120 in a Chevy. Saw the speedometer go to 128 and finished the race. Go to the Forzathon screen and it says 118 MPH. A case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand did.
I have figured out one of the (can’t think of a nice name) problems with registering events. If you are doing them in Free Play you need to start loading the next race (even if there should be no next race) or quit does not register the event. FM6 which was a very linear UI did not have as many problems and I think that the multi (2) threads has caused many more problems than any speed up in the game.
I have registered problems before but nothing is done so I came here if for no other reason than to hear others experiences so that I might find a problem in the way I play the game.
There is already a thread discussing the ins/ outs of the current forzathon in the discussion section. So all posting in here is doing, is making it harder for genuine bug/ fault reports to be seen amongst the plethora of complaints threads.
Apologies if my first response was a bit flippant. Sometimes I see these things and I just think oh another one and can’t resist.
There does seem to be a delay between progress registering and completion of events - e.g. I did 3 laps of the Dubai circuit race because I forgot to set up freeplay to be 5 laps to complete it in one go. I happened to look at the forzathon completion page and it said I’d only done 2 laps - ran another 4 laps just to be sure but during the 2nd lap I got the notification it had unlocked. Still finished the race just to be sure. As long as I finished the race, didn’t seem to matter whether I restarted freeplay, continued or quit. Just so long as I gave it some time or moved on to the next event - progress registered just with a delay.
I don’t think it’s a major problem to be honest as long as I can unlock/ finish the event and to be fair there’s plenty of time left so no real urgency.
No need to apologize but in the end, Turn 10 should make these events “just happen”. No time delay, events that are completed are marked that way.
As for the many complaints ,if Turn 10 wants to have less then they should just fix the problems. I know there have been many problems and there should be some priorities set for the fixes, but since I and the other people complaining bought the game, I think we have a right to complain.
Don’t forget challenges aren’t like achievements and aren’t built into the game (I’d rather they didn’t ping me every second to see if I’d completed it). Also like FH3 human error can play a part, I did 5 laps of the Top gear track before realising the Airfield test track was something completely different, I just wasn’t reading it properly.
I tend to jump from challenge to challenge rather that try an complete 1 of them all in one go. Seems to work best for me.
None are working for me. Tried restarting but still nothing. This game definitely has it’s frustrations. Things like this don’t really make me mad, they just make me not want to ever bother playing. At this point I just wait for the next glitch or weird problem ( I’m on the PC ). I only bother playing for about 20 min a week at this point. lol