The 1997 Mitsubishi GTO drift challenge not working … Suzuka, drift 7500 points with that car, not working
So you have it set up as a drift event
You are beating 7500 in 1 lap…not the whole event
You are letting the timer run out
Worked fine for me 1st time…as talby71 said, you have to go into free play, setup a drift event, and beat the score in a single lap. You can literally run a many laps as the timer permits, bu I usually set like 5 minute timer, if I go higher I usually beat the 1 lap score and have to just sit around waiting for the timer to expire.
I have no use for dancing dolly suits and loath drift events, so I had ignored this one.
But in the past I’ve been able to do just fine in the relatively easy drift events required to get cars or awards I did care for. And this post made me curious yesterday. Should be easy enough to get that many points, so when I was puttering around last night with a bit of time but not enough to really do anything worthwhile, I decided to try…
As I said, I’ve done the drift events in the past, mostly by setting a short timer and picking a track (if allowed) with a lot of lazy/fast curves. Once I got the required points, I just went to get a drink as the timer ran out (usually set for 1-2 minutes depending on car and track). Doing that this time, I didn’t get the award.
So I began to think, “I wonder if the new update requires a full lap to have been completed?” So back in I went, and got my points, then went straight on to finish the lap before the timer expired. That got me the award.
Too bad I can’t give away the suit…
GTO at suzuka esttrack 7.5k in a round easy
The problem was the correct track east
Took me two goes. 1st time around I could not get the car to drift much. No power in stock form. Upgraded everything not really a drift build but I could break the rear wheels loose. Second go no problem. I did the default track set for drift event. Most of my drifting was on the straights. I am not a drifter so if I could do it so can anybody. I also don’t use the ebrake at all.
I did this last week on the full track and got over 10,000 the first lap. My secret was just doing it in the rain.
[Mod Edit - Profanity & user removed - D]
Classic is the track configuration. If you go to the different versions of that track, one is labeled “classic”.
LOL! Not at all what I thought I was seeing. I guess in my haste and general lack of interest, I missed that important “classic” designation too, and failed to get the achievement flagged.
Then I decided to check to see if completing the lap was now required with the new updates. Seemed reasonable, particularly since it has been some time since I cared enough to “waste” time on drifting drifting challenges. So to make the lap easier to complete, guess which ribbon I selected…