So I’ve been doing a few of the Forzathon items the last few days and most of them are not taking. I’m doing them in order, but not happening.
I did a race a few days ago and did the 15000 drift score in a lap, which was a real accomplishment for me since I hate drifting and suck at it. But it didnt record.
So then I went to the other ones and tried the 180mph at Homestead. Took three tries then it finally took.
I went on to 6 laps at Daytona…did the race and it didnt take. I mean, this isnt anything subjective here, you do a 6 lap race at Daytona, its a 6 lap race, why would it not record?
Anyone else having these issues?
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I was having problems with this as well. I think it’s delayed.
I did the drift, came out and noticed it didn’t update. Having no real want to drift again, I went off to work in the other one. I did a few races, came back and sure enough I had received credit for my drift.
I then found I wasn’t getting credit for Daytona… sure enough, 20 min later or so, I had run a few more races and received credit.
Thanks. Hope that is the case with the drift. I did notice the others I mentioned did eventually update after a few times doing it, unfortunately, my drift from a day or so ago has not and I felt lucky to get that one. I guess I’ll just try again.
This is known issue and still they didn’t resolved it unfortunately. You can just close the game and start it again after the forzathon race but this is annoying. I always start new race, time race for 30 second with no drivatars (fast loading) and after that forzathon task done earlier is checked as accomplished.
Yes, it’s just delayed. It’s annoying though because you don’t know if you achieved your goal right away. It’s a weird glitch
Make sure you are doing a drift mode race and not just a circuit race in free play. It doesn’t register otherwise.
I’ve done 3 timed drift mode races all with over 15000 drift points. I’ve both let it time out on the first lap and crossed the start finish line and then let it time out. No matter what I do it won’t register the drift achievement. I don’t use rewind, I always hit next race and let it load. These bugs are so frustrating.
I took a screen cap of it with the drift score. I’ll be emailing Turn 10 if it doesn’t register. Don’t want to miss out on the Porsche.
Did you done all this drift races in one Porshe car? If yes, maybe try choosing a different car, who knows, this game has got many strange glithes…
Nope tried different Porsche cars and tracks. Nothing I do gets it to trigger.
I restarted my console last night and it still didn’t register. I’ll see next time I play if it decides to register. I have my doubts it will work. It’s never shown any drift points being accumulated in the Forzathon menu while it does for other users. So I must be the victim of some specific bug.
Make sure you get the drift score all on 1 lap as well.
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Drift challenge not updating for me either. Tried 2 cars on 2 tracks over 2 days, made sure to get over 15,000 on each lap (think I got over 30,000 on one) and still nothing. Most Forzathon challenges don’t update instantly for me - I usually need to finish the challenge then do another, unrelated race before the accomplishment is acknowledged, but this drift one isn’t doing anything!
I have the same issue… I have completely lost any faith in Forza 7 …its just terrible from VIP start to finish…i want my money back as I’m done…
restarting the game updates the forzathon page ingame , this needs to be fixed having to restart the game each time you do 1 challenge is a mess !!
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Usually starting another race works too, try that next time. It’s less of a pain and won’t take nearly as long.
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you don’t need to restart the game, just go and do another event/race and it triggers the achievement (or at least that’s what it did for me). When doing the 3 races in whatever car it was, I did 1, and nothing triggered. Did the next one, and after that the first 1 had triggered, and so on and so forth. You could probably just go into free play and do a 30s race to update the achievement rather than restart the entire game. Still not ideal of course, but not as much hassle.
i rather have T10 fix this mess so that it updates instantly after an event
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