Today I was playing FH4 and was trying to participate in as much forzathon live as I could so I will be able to buy the 812 superfast when ever it made a return to the shop , but today it pissed me off to the point that I just turned my game off. I was getting ready to participate in one of the lives we had at least 10 persons waiting for it to start, but when it started it put me in a session that had only me doing the live which made it imposable to complete which I didn’t so it pissed me off to the point I just turned my game off.
Good luck to you newer guys farming Forzathon Points… The cost of a Ferrari Superfast may end up being 20,000 FP by the time it shows up, better snipe one from the AH… superfast ;p
By the way, you know why the average FP balance is so high and results in expensive Forzathon Shop costs?.. Modded accounts.
I first noticed this issue when I ran across multiple accounts with “coincidentally” the same exact Gamer Scores, the same exact Prestige Level, and upon looking them up on True Achievements, noticed they had FULL 750 car garages, SAME EXACT ACHIEVEMENTS completed, managed to be only 1 or 2 day old accounts but somehow managed to have the “Week Complete” and “Antique Restorer” achievements which take a minimum of 7 days and 4 weeks to complete respectively in addition to 50+ other achievements like finding all the treasure chests on Fortune Island, every single bonus board, etc., and FH4 was the only game all of these accounts apparently have ever played. Now you may say, “OK, so what? They cheated themselves out of an experience and the true feeling of obtaining some achievements. Big deal… doesn’t affect me…”
Well… these accounts affect EVERYONE, especially when PG states the reason that FP costs have increased in the Forzathon Shop is this:
Guess what these modded accounts come fully loaded with besides a 750 car full garage with Wheel Spin Exclusives, PO cars, Reward/Forzathon Shop Exclusive cars, AND 999,999,999 CR, you guessed it, they can also have over one BILLION Forzathon Points, so everytime ONE of these accounts enters the game the FP average skyrockets. Oh and now that the skill point mastery issue was introduced, some of these accounts also have 2,000,000+ Skill points on them as well, which is somewhat meaningless for now with the monotony of applying skill points to perks:
And before you say it… Yes, I have submitted tickets on every account I have verified to be a modded account… Might take PG a year to get around to actually looking at the ticket though…
Didn’t want to direct link anyone to the source of such exploits, if you just google “Forza Horizon 4 Modded Account”… The “black market” is running rampant with this game. And you can tell PG is in reaction mode trying to stop them with the recent deletion of some of the unreleased vehicles, but their “fix” just introduced a new “product” for the modders… more Skill Points than you will know what to do with…
Updated my previous post with an account with over a BILLION Forzathon Points…
Funny thing is, nothing about a modded account makes them a better driver, and by now a large number of players have just about all of the vehicles. You can’t spend that many skill points as there aren’t enough cars in the game to spend them on (even if every car needed the full 100 skill points to fill out the card, you would only need 75,000 for all 750 cars). If you have all of the cars, what’s the point of 99 billion credits?
Simulate profanity? The word he was simulating is a word most kids would hear all the time. Not to mention it’s the kids that use the worst language imaginable when gaming online. You should reserve the high horse for people that actually use profanity and NOT “simulate” a word that isn’t even considered profanity. The forum doesn’t need PC police to your degree. It’s scary and uncalled for.
I do the forzathons I like the fact your interactions with other players but at time I end up on my own or with one or two others since the last updates before that it was always with 5 6 or 7 others so something’s not right I have some points spare as weeks thers nothing to buy in the shop like this week I didn’t have the Ford
You mean you don’t love racing back and forth through speed traps and doing danger signs and circling back to do the same danger sign over, and over, and over… once every hour so you can save up points for the overcosted stuff in the Forzathon Shop?
I think this’ll be the last time I’ll ever really reply to anything on here. I’ll still come here to read forums and stuff, but I just won’t reply. Anyways, I always tend to see that people complain about people leaving when the forzathon live event starts, but what about those who suffer from people just sitting, driving around doing nothing? I am one of those, and recently whenever I join a forzathon live event now, sure there might be 10 or 15 that join it. But it seems like I’m the only one plus like 2 or 3 others that do anything while the rest of the players drive around the map waiting for the event to end. I also see some youtubers will use Forzathon Live events to avoid having to worry about traffic in their videos. I mean, please youtubers… just use the route creator instead of making more work for the participants in forzathon live. And thank you to all of the players that sat and did nothing but honked their horns at me while I was trying to help people get forzathon points. Which, I’m no longer gonna help with, because of this. Other than the two cars this next two seasons, if there isn’t anything good in the upcoming expansion, I’m done with this game and the players that make it harder for others that try their best to either help or actually play the game correctly. Ttygl
getting dumped into solo sessions first started for me when the game first came out. Its still a thing i see, awesome.
My motivation to return to the current game remains at 0%
Hopefully expansion 2 is truly staggering and adds content equal to the base game AND expansion 1 in a single massive content assault. That much is required with how dull and content devoid fortune island is/was. Some fixes to things like broken session handling and obvious hacks/exploits would be great too