The Ferrari 812 and Aventador LP750-4 are pretty much unicorn cars, extremely rare. Instead of giving us those two EXCLUSIVE cars as options this week, you’ve once again stuck two cars you can buy up for sale instead. How about you add the recent Forza playlist cars along with the two cars i mentioned to the shop inventory instead. People who couldn’t 100% the playlist should at least get a chance to get those cars instead of missing out.
People did that. PG responded by raising the prices. I’m not making this up; they admitted on this forum that they did so because of rising FP balances:
For me this just makes me less keen to use the FP because they might double the prices again and it would be a massive chore to grind the points if there’s something I want. I think I have about 2,000 just now. I think that was a very bad decision on their part.
Lambo isnt that rare
Ive spun up at least 5 and sold 4 at a low price since I’m not a legendary
Do you really need to post about the same thing every day just because YOU difnt get them
Broken record is beyond boring
I’m prestige 3 level 155 and used to grind Mixer so I’ve lost track of how many wheelspins I’ve done, but its got to be well over a thousand now, but the LP750 is only one of 3 wheelspin exclusives that I’ve never gotten. Only other ones I’ve never gotten are the E63 and the Hummer. Though I’ve managed to get them all from the auction house. Consider yourself lucky. It is rare as hell.
By buying them auction house you have reduce change to get them on wheelspins. If you wouldnt buy them on auction house you would get all of them from wheelspins. I buy Hummer on auction house and i was prestige 5 when i get first one on wheelspin (and few wheelspin later i got second one) while i have get that lambo and E63 multiple times.
Like PG would confirmed anything that is relevant. It’s just simple logic as game is coded that you will get every car on wheelspins if you dont buy any of them autoshow or auction house (abell 370 is confirmed this on wheelspin topic and my own experience is similar also) so cars that you dont own have bigger change to drop on wheelspin than cars that you allready own.
@Stang616 I remember when i was collecting all cars in common rarity cars i start getting duplicate ones when i have 80% of common cars but allready in rare rarity ones i keep getting those that i miss even in that point when i have only few that i didint have.
No, it’s not logic that the game is coded that way, nor has it ever been confirmed as such, so by you saying the game is coded that way you are making an assumption based on your experiences with RNG. This has never been proven anywhere, nor confirmed and my own experiences are enough to say you are wrong as I have gotten duplicates of cars I have bought in the Autoshow numerous times ('32 Ford, '40 Ford, '18 Mustang and GT350R are all my examples, I bought them all from the Autoshow and I have two of each, the others from wheelspins and that isn’t counting duplicates I have already sold of cars I bought.)
None of us know how the game is coded, so arguments such as this are rendered invalid simply based on everyone’s different experiences. We have no way of knowing either way how it works, but my own experiences disprove what you have said.
Do i have say you cant get duplicate for cars that you are allready buy? You also use most common cars as example that drops from wheelspins all the time so you start getting those as duplicate sooner than later.
Do you really thing it’s just pure rng when point where i was missing 10 rare cars i get those with next 12 rare cars i get from wheelspins, or how when i miss one 10m cr car i get that one from wheelspin or how abell 370 get all 10m cr cars from wheelspins without getting any 10m cr car as duplicate before that. It’s nothing new in games that wheelspins/packs/loot boxes are made so you have mutch higher chance to get item you dont own yet (for example in hearthstone you cant get duplicate legendary from pack before you have legendaries in that set)
I know it’s can pure rng but i remove two epic cars from my garage and second super wheelspin that i spin i won one of them back. You can think that every wheelspin is just pure rng but i dont belive that at all.
Yeah man I don’t know, I got a bunch of exclusives early on without realizing it and have yet to see them, let alone win them again. I’m gonna say it’s pure RNG. Supers up your chance tho.
It’s almost true but not confirmed. I’ve never bought a car in the Auction House and I got all of the Wheelspin Exclusive Cars without duplicates at Prestige 2-280 Level, I got two Civic '04, Cayenne '18, Raptor '11, both Lotus, Camaro '79, XB Falcon 73, GRC Beetle ‘14 plus some more after that and I didn’t play those seasonal playground games. Game is coded so you can get almost all the cars (Spania GTA has never appeared and it’s my only non-legendary car left), you get one car you didn’t have each two weeks and one exclusive car weekly if you use Mixer and having almost all of them without altering that weird sequence. If you buy those exclusives, you wont’ get them until you have all and then, it will be randomly. I’ve marked all the non-autoshow cars as favorites so I won’t sell them at the action house unintentionally.
I’m fairly sure that is not true. I haven’t bought an exclusive cars off the AH other than barn finds and I don’t have several of the wheelspin exclusives. As far as I know there is no system in place with wheelspins to determine if you already have a car in your garage, otherwise I wouldn’t have 2 extra Lotus Carltons that I can’t get rid of…
The shop has been all over the place in terms of cars. There’s been weeks with 2 super rare cars (usually a FE plus another exclusive), weeks with awful, common FE cars and cheap autoshow cars, and everything in between.
This is the first week that they’ve not had any exclusive cars though (at least one of them was a 10mil car I didn’t have so it was still worth the FP).
On top of all this, you have the massive price hike not too long ago where the FP prices doubled overnight.
Don’t really have any confidence that PG knows what they’re doing at all with the Forzathon Shop. It feels like they’re scrambling to pick a few random cars at the last minute for each week and slapping arbitrary prices on things with no real overall plan or much thought given.
Although getting my hands on 10 million CR cars hasn’t been hard for me, I realize that it’s very, very hard for a lot of people. Putting the 10 million CR cars in the forzathon shop helps a lot of people get 'em when they normally wouldn’t be able to, and it stimulates the economy, giving people a way to make millions with Forzathon Points while still selling cars for bargain prices. It’s created a lot of action. While I think 10 million CR cars would be better used as the playlist rewards and the playlist rewards should be in the forzathon shop, putting the 10 million CR cars in the forzathon shop has been some of PG’s better decisions.
That said, I hope they find a way to put the Ferrari 812 and the Aventador SV in the forzathon shop soon. I have a bunch of both so I don’t need 'em, but just because it should be clear after all the posts that it would make a lot of people happy, and I think that should be the goal. Make the people happy and the game fun and people will throw down money and keep coming back. If people aren’t playing ranked mp, make the experience better … don’t hide exclusives behind it to the make the numbers look better. That’s short sighted.