Are the Forzathon Live Events still happening? I only ask, I haven’t had one in almost 3 weeks now. I used to get that all the time. And now, they just don’t pop up.
Yep still happening
Every hour on the hour
You wont get them playing in solo mode though
Yeah i still get them, unsure of how often they are suppose to be though, any ideas ?
Yup. They’re still a thing and they launch at the top of the hour.
Any idea why I’m not getting them then. I’m connected online and everything. Possible bug maybe??? I don’t know, I enjoy doing them.
I have been having issues with them as well, they should show up about 10 minutes before the hour, if you don’t see them just go to the menus and “find new session” when you load into the new session it will pop up.
Last night one was on the map at 9:50pm, I did a quick race and was back into freeroam at 9:54pm and the forzathon event was gone. I found a new session and it showed up again. I played for several hours yesterday and about half the time they did not show up unless I switched sessions.
So after playing around with network settings and whatnot, I decided to make a new Xbox One account. Signed in with that. Played the games for bit. And to my behold, i’m getting Forza Live Events. Same console, same network setting, same everything but different accounts. I then hopped back to this account. Waited for til 2 hit. Nothing. Hopped back on to the other account and there was the live event.
So why am I getting the events on this new account I made but not my main. Did my main account possibly get banned?
Possibly a ban if not getting online sessions. Only support can help for that.
Ever the winter season started, Forzathon Live Events have started showing up again. But now I can’t do the Winter Community nor the Co-op Championship as it says i’m not connected to Forza Live. But I was able to do them the past few weeks but no Forzathon Live Events. I really don’t know. I’m just about to give up on this game.
Then submit a ticket to support.
How to create a drift event guys can u halp me please its driving me nuts