Forza Rewards discussion

Forza Rewards Discussion

Forza Rewards Announcement
Forza Rewards FAQ

This is the place to discuss Forza Rewards for Forza Horizon. If you are reporting some difficulty in logging in, redeeming, and collecting your rewards, please read through this thread for possible solutions. The best place to report problems is via email at If reporting here, please provide as much detail as possible about the steps you took before you got stuck.

Forza Rewards
Forza Rewards is a loyalty reward program based on your history with the Forza franchise. Your gamertag’s history of play in Forza 2, Forza 3, Forza 4, Forza Horizon, and Forza 5 is automatically reviewed to give you points toward a Tier. Each month, go to the Rewards page to redeem that month’s rewards based on your Tier, which are typically credits and may include cars or tokens. If you level up your Tier, you can go back and redeem the next tier’s rewards.

  • Go to - make sure you’re signed in.
  • Click on each game circle to review your progress and points needed to get to the next Tier.
  • Click on Redeem Now (upper right portion of the page), and on the rewards page, click Redeem.
  • Go to your game Message Center and check for a gift message.

Troubleshooting and Tips

  • If you get an error message when first going to the Forza Rewards page, click the Sign In in the upper right corner of the page and go to the rewards url again.
  • Rewards change each month, sometimes before the last day of the month. Previous month’s rewards are not retrievable if you have not redeemed them.
  • Redeemed rewards cannot be redeemed again if you restart your gamesave.



show how are you meant to get the points the?

I was having all kinds of problems getting the rewards. On my PC, when I clicked on redeem, all I got was a spinning circle in the upper right corner next to the sign out option. I then went and connected to the the forza site on my xbox one and was able to redeem my rewards and they showed up in-game immediately.

Just a quick question since I couldn’t find previous information very quickly about the Rewards-program in combination with Horizon.

My in-game stats show that I have driven almost 3200km which would equate to roughly 2000miles in 2012 already. The rewards-program says I need 1000 miles total for a maximum of 250 points. Well, I seem to have double already but the bar ain’t moving.

Also, future question, can I still get/buy tokens and get the Rewards-points for them? Why am I asking? Because I did purchase tokens in FM4 and bought DLC with it but these are also not listed on my FM4-rewards. I want to avoid (in the most positive meaning of the word) to spend more money on Horizon only to find the rewards won’t be appointed as well.

Hope some mod/admin has the exact answer to this; I really like the Forza range of games but being quite the completionist, I want to make the most of it where possible.

I’m not sure but I think I’ve seen users say that sometimes it’s taken up to a week for the Rewards to update. You could try logging out and back in at, and unplugging your console for a minute and then booting back up to see if there’s any trigger involved in the connection with reading your gamesave. If the problem persists, send an email with your details to There might not be an individual response but maybe T10 is looking into it.

Understood about being a completionist, I can certainly relate. The good news is that as a Tier 6, at least you shouldn’t miss out on any Rewards - you’ll just be competing with friends for bragging rights about your points until a new Tier (if any) is added down the road.

Thanks, I will keep an eye out in the coming days how my rewards progress. The ones for FM3 (I still needed 2 days to play) updated without a hitch and I understand that DLC/tokens might take a while. Just can’t wrap my head around driving 2000 miles already and it shows only 850 on Rewards. If everything else fails, I will deffo send an email as you suggested.

/edit: FM3 and FM4 updated properly today. Horizon not so much except for any medals from the 1000 Club.

Thanks for the info I guess I have to contact them soon since I bought the September Pennzoil Car Pack for Forza 4 on January 12th and it still hasn’t shown up in my rewards yet.

Tier 6 Rewards for February: 150,000 credits

Went from 3200km driven to 4000km driven while mopping up 100 medals for the Challenges and what not; basically adding 500 miles to my total since my last reply. Unsure how Forza converts kilometers to miles but I went from 850 to 977 in the Rewards-section. Even so, I think I drove about 50 kilometers/30miles yesterday alone and it says on 977 in Rewards?

It only seems to count km/miles done in races not free roaming.
And don’t forget it can take some time for the figures to update in rewards (and occasionally it will have issues and take even longer until T10 can sort the slow down out).

yes this is very helpful!

Rewards for March can now be redeemed. Tier 6 players will receive 150,000 credits.

Started reporting this on the old forum first, via posting in the Rewards thread, and then trying to PM with someone from T10, but I have yet to receive credit for a number of DLC carpack purchases that I bought back around November. I was told twice via PM that it would be looked into, but it has yet to be resolved and now the PMs are gone because of the forum migration.

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Quick question. Is the Forza Rewards for Horizon Paid DLC for the DLC cars, or is it individual car packs/VIP stuff?

I’m going to assume that my post was moved into this thread, but not answered. I don’t want to wasted money on a game I’m about to stop playing. So, any answers?

I merged your thread here, but I don’t know the answer to your question.

Mine won’t load for some reason, like i can’t see what tier I am.

Probably because of the browser you’re using. Don’t ask me why but every so often it decides it doesn’t want to work in chrome or other browsers. I think it’s something to do with cookies because it always works on the ‘incognito’ mode. I’ve never had that issue with internet explorer either.

I’m going to post this here as well and see if it gets any attention.

I still haven’t received Forza reward points for the dlc content I downloaded in Horizon. Two others have commented on my thread with the same issue, as well as Swedish Meatwad above.

Hoping this issue gets fixed, but a response from someone at Turn 10 in the meantime would be much appreciated.

I have purchased all DLC available for Forza Horizon but only have a score in my rewards of 4 out of 5. Any help would be appreciated. I want to complete the rewards for all games and this is going to hold me back. It is the only reward that will not be completed by the time I am done. Please help get that last point for Forza Horizon DLC!!!

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