Forza Motorsports lack of class based multi player lobbies

Forza Motorsports online multiplayer lobbies.

I’ve read a lot of comments on multiple forums about the lack of class based online lobbies and the disappearance of the very popular ABCs lobby.

I still went ahead and bought the game with the hope that in future updates these lobbies, that were present in FM7, would appear.

I have recently read that Turn10 will not be creating these and that they will continue to have featured multiplayer lobbies that have a end date.

This is a big mistake from Turn10. Many players want to pick their favourite cars and head off to that online multiplayer lobby at a time when they want to race and race against other players, including the ABCs lobby. They do not want to restricted to someone else’s view and dictated as to when they race.

Unless you are logging in every day/week to see what featured online multiplayer lobby is available, players are going to miss ones that meet their needs.

The result will be fewer players going online and ultimately fewer players playing the game.

I believe Turn10 are putting their resources into Forza Horizon plus they are probably reducing the amount of cloud based servers and online infrastructure resources to save money. Please comment Turn10.

Seeing the cost of this latest game was not cheap, we are getting a hugely reduced platform compared to FM7.

This is very sad. I’ve been a fan of FM series since FM2, and played it for thousands of hours

I strongly suggest to Turn10, that they work to reintroduce all the class based online multiplayer lobbies including my favourite the ABCs online multiplayer lobby, otherwise players will start to turn off this current Turn10 offering.

Really… I suggested all lobbies should be always available in menu. Why they’re doing that? If I want, I can play Endurance, D class or X class. Game plays us just as someone said…

There is ton’s of posts about this. I am not sure its coming back or they really care. Mult-Class hoppers is the way to go

I went from playing f7 nearly every weekend to now once every six weeks or so when b class lobbies show up. It’s idiotic on its face to take away something so fundamental to any racing game that wants to take itself seriously. Dare I say custom public lobbies so they could bring themselves back to where racing games where ten years ago. That’s how far behind and backward thinking they are. Literally going in the wrong direction. And their player count shows. Whenever they are ready to open it up the players “might” come back at this point. Live out the game in this fashion and this is the last forza game I preorder.

This needs to be added ASAP

Let the people decide what’s popular, we already know the Devs are out of touch. Prove us wrong!

Forza 4 was a better game for THIS REASON ALONE.