Forza Motorsport Ten Year Anniversary Car Pack - Problems :(

Hi folks!

Sorry to bother you all I´m a newbie on this game, just bought an one and some games for my son this xmas, but I am having loads of problems with the DLC I bought via the Microsoft store and are cheesed of with Microsoft support tilling me to reset my console for the 100th time …!!

I bought lots of things and all the other DLC I bought works ok but I bought the special deal via Xbox dashboard for
Forza Motorsport 6 and Forza Horizon 2 Bundle

It contias the following
Forza Motorsport 6 Ten Year Anniversary Car Pack
Forza Motorsport 6
Forza Horizon 2 Ten Year Anniversary Car Pack
Forza Horizon 2

The problem I have is with the Forza Motorsport Ten Year Anniversary Car Packs, it says I have them purchased in the game and on my xbox account but when I go to My cars and see them there and try to add them its asks us to buy them with XP or Tokens, I have rest my console that many times and I know it’s not a console problem as some other DLC car packs we bought all show up its just the ones from the Initial Bundle that don’t show as Free.

I am losing my sanity with this now and so are the kids if anyone could point me in the right direction I would be fore ever grateful.


For some reason this pack doesn’t give you the first purchase of each car for free - no idea why but they aren’t expensive in terms of in game credits.

OH Thank you …So basically if I am understating you correctly what your saying is that the Packs are only access packs so you buy the pack just to allow you to see the cars in the lineup and then buy them again and then you have to buy the cars again in game?

If so that sucks massively and must be bordering on the line of misrepresentation of sale!

I Have seen screen shots of other people asking about the same type of problems thought and they have posted screens showing the cars in the Garage listed as FREE, and mine are defiantly not like those screen shots!

After spending another day googling it seems more people are having the same question and on the Forum too, sorry if my post seems like a duplicate as I didn’t find it first time round …

10th Anniversary Car Pack Problems?

No. He means it’s just this one pack. Every other pack allows you to buy a free copy of each car (once). In this case it wouldn’t be a misrepresentation of sale because they did not sell this pack to you, it was free.

For what it’s worth, until Forza 5, car packs (all of them) DID force players to buy the cars therein with in-game currency, but that wasn’t a misrepresentation either, because video game credits aren’t a real currency that you need to be gainfully employed in order to receive. Thus paying real currency to unlock items you then need to buy with a fictional in-game currency isn’t a misrepresentation of anything. It’s expected that you have or will gain the credits necessary as a matter of course, and anyway the pack descriptions invariably said (in all caps) that you’d need in-game currency to buy the cars. This pack should technically have the same warning, but I suppose after years and 3 games of not having to mention it, the habit is gone.

Either way, rest assured that the other DLC cars are all given to you (once), which is nice as some of them are rather more expensive than anything in this pack