Forza Motorsport Graphics Downgrade research and comparisons

If only there were options that one could select like:
Turn off trackside objects e.g spectators and other objects.
Turn off floating objects e.g Birds, Helos, Blimps, Fireworks etc
Turn off or select quality of dust and smoke etc

All these options that could be done if the Developer decided to give the option of which they can on the dev build. It would mean huge differences for those that don’t need nor want them.

That’s why I like PC games, they give you freedom outside of the box, run it the way you like it


The 5800X3D is by far the fastest AM4 CPU you can buy for gaming.

If you’re just gaming, I’d advise against looking at synthetic benchmarks for performance of a CPU. I’d recommend watching a Hardware Unboxed or Gamers Nexus video instead.

I can’t say how much of a performance uplift you’d get going from a 3600x to a 5800X3D considering your setup and settings in each game. But you can see for yourself if you’re getting a GPU bottleneck and that will help you out.

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Of course it’s the best one for gaming on AM4 socket. But the game doesn’t take advantage of the 3D functionality of the L3 cache. But it might be at some point. It would’t hurt to have at least the 8 cores the consoles have atm. But he would probably only benefit of it in other games atm.

Best case scenario we PC players should all have an i9-15900K with 6,1 GHZ overclocked single core performance, with that monster we could brute force this horrible optimized game.

I currently have R9 5950x at stock clocks, cooled with an AiO 360mm ASUS Ryujin and i have to limit the FPS to 75, else it gets juddery, stuttery and has bad frame pacing.

I will wait for the next gen of Nvidia GPU’s will buy a RTX 5080 and i will also move on to AM5 when the next Zen’s are released. They probably will be called 9XXX.

I agree, but the pc version is a port, there were always going to be issues, the problem is its a bad port. It really shouldnt have been this way as they have experience on the pc since forza 6 apex. They also had plenty of time, but uhhh yea. Theres not much to say, this could have made a big splash on the pc side of things. Racing is niche but its a popular niche that can get non racing fans attentions.


@JetPartySalad weather still not transition smooth… Tracks do reset after a lap for example I hit a cone next lap it’s on its original position.
Seams on tracks still persist, missing water effect on front wheels still missing… The ghost driver still persists, that white lines blurry mess inside cockpit still exists. In no time the game will be a year old and this problems still continue to exist.


The developers really need to find a way to get the pre-downgrade graphics running on Xbox and PC because, frankly, the graphics are unacceptable. Here’s a picture of the homespace after the graphics downgrade but before they changed the lighting setup. Black shadows are just plain unacceptable. If the devs add rtgi to both PC and xbox, as well as increased environment detail, it would look amazing.

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It’s the same in Forza Horizon, if you drive through a fence, the fence is back in the next lap. It’s total laziness, that the game can’t even save a few things temporarily.

@JetPartySalad @T10ManteoMax sorry to identify you guys but just to let you know that I reinstalled the game to see the update 8 and I’m still disappointed on the graphical side not improvements at all. I don’t know if the dev team is aware of these issues that we have been reporting since 2023 October! Missing water effect on front wheels, weather transition is not smooth it jumps shadows, Low resolution in the billboard podium is still there, 2D wheels are still present, tracks still reset after a lap, ghost driver still exists that white strobe inside cockpit and outside. I’ve also noticed yesterday on Forza vista when viewing the new RS6 i couldn’t move freely the camera inside the car it was locked and I think it wasn’t like that last time I checked Forza vista. Also variable weather always starts or ends with rain, the mixture of weather in Freeplay is not cool because in single player I can get different types of weather in a single race. Also when in photo mode after crashing a car and resetting car damage on photo mode it will reset it also in gameplay driving try it out for yourself.

I’ve gotta disagree here. It’s basic optimisation. Do you know how expensive it would be to keep track of, and simulate, hundreds if not thousands of physics objects across a map?

Its no different to bullet holes disappearing in a shooter. It’s just the nature of gaming that optimisations are going to be made. Destructables are effectively just set dressing anyway, it’s not a major hit to playability, so this is a tradeoff that’s well worth it.

Yeah but at least the tyre marks could hang around instead of watching them erase before your eyes

I like it in games that keep them cause it makes me smile when I come back around and see how crossed up I got it in the earlier lap


![Forza Motorsport Screenshot 2024.05.15 -|876x492]

A couple of quick comparisons of the new Maple Valley from the trailer and in-game. Time of day is not exactly right, didn’t have the time to mess around until i find it but it’s clear that the trailer version looks better. Tree models look better, foliage and some textures too.

This is PC max btw.


It’s not expensive if they only do it TEMPORARILY until the race is over. I don’t expect it to save any changes made while driving the “Goliath” but on the very short ones where you CAN REMEMBER that you drove through a fence, YES there I expect the game to save these changes TEMPORARILY. It’s only super super lazy to not do it.

After seeing FM2023, I no longer believe in the phrase “All in-game 4K footage.” How long will T10 continue to scam people with that phrase?


I’m on Xbox series X and no gameplay in any setting looks close to that Mobil 1 trailer


Why do you keep replying with pre-release slogans and footage that don’t necessarily reflect the actual state of the game?

On the subject of graphics, do you think we will get better tire smoke?

Like smoke reacting with the wind and smoke cloud left behind with cars going through it… or dense smoke coming out of the wheel housings and lingering around as long as it does IRL?


Options would be nice but disabling these things doesnt always mean other things will work better. Its all about optimization. I dont think the xbox version is going to improve much as the way the game was made isnt really taking full advantage of the hardware as it isnt truly built from the ground up.

We’ll see what horizon 6 brings to the table, i honestly wouldnt be suprised if they stick with the tried and true techniques they used in horizon 5 with some further improvements and optimizations rather than turn 10s Frankenstein monster.


The track texture resolution alone


I always have to think about that scene in the movie “Falling Down” if I see something like that, while he is in that fast food restaurant, where “D-Fens” played by Michael Douglas compares the burger on the picture with the real thing. :smiley: It’s one of my favorite movies.