Forza Motorsport 6 Limited Edition Console & Controller

Just the regular version. They are essentially giving you game for free, at the price of retail Xbox One. As for the perks associated with the Ultimate Edition, you’ll have to get those by pre-ordering from the Marketplace.

Do you think there is a chance, seeings how they are giving you the regular edition, to pay the difference for the Ultimate Edition?

That would be nice, but probably not. I too wished they’d have brought out three versions of that console at least, i.e. Standard, Deluxe and Ultimate. I’d have liked to pay the premium for Ultimate (and get the console a few days early).


See that’s what I was afraid of, How much do yall think the dlc alone would be worth cause I really dont wanna blow another 100$

Eh … by the time you purchased all of the perks separately, I imagine you would probably be forking over about $70 to $80, alone (approx. $20 for VIP and $50 for the Car Pass, based on Forza Motorsport 5 prices). When you consider this, the Ultimate Edition is a good deal; even if you tack that onto the price of the Forza console.

Just pre-ordered this bad boy can’t wait until Sept. 15th Gonna be great.

man this xbox looks dope getting it

Oh I so do want this. definite getting that controller have to think about the xbox one. Love to spend money, but must control my temptations

Pre-ordered yesterday. Must have this beauty! I know one thing for certain…Sept 15 won’t come fast enough! ;^)

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Preordered this great console yesterday I love the Forza series and this console is SWEET!!

Just preordered mine! Can’t wait!

I really, really want the Limited Edition set-up (never had one before), but does anybody share my concern that the blue might just look a little out of place (dare I say “cheesy”?) on their TV stand? I’m concerned, because my one and only TV is in my living room, where the console will be surrounded by a black TV stand, black blu-ray plyer, black PVR box and black-framed TV.

Depends on your setup. Going to fit right in with mine.

My white console looks quite nice alongside my black TV and speakers, colour can be a good contrast sometimes, especially if your Xbox was a centrepiece.

What if they’re actually doing it to get the game out to more people, knowing that people would end up with both copies and sell the day one version?

It doesn’t look cheesy at all. This is just too cool to pass up. Got mine preordered and super excited.

i just preordered this at gamestop, my question is i want it with the deluxe edition. it doesnt look like thats a thing

It only comes with a digital download code for the standard 10th Anniversary edition with a code for the 10th anniversary car pack.

very tempted even though i just got the white bundle at the end of may.