| Forza Motorsport 5 | Multiplayer Ranking Glitch | *PLEASE READ* |

I have a weird glitch on multiplayer where it says im level 4 but my driver level above the affinity says im 260 and it also says 260 in my stats which is true because i am level 260

My Friend was a very high rank on Forza 5 and his rank recently seemed to have reset to level 1. The problem occurred when he reached level 256, When he levels up in a game it says that he is level 260, but everyone in multiplayer lobbys including himself sees it as level 1,2,3,4 etc. We tried joining a lobby online and I can see on my screen that it says he is level 4 and so can everyone else in the lobby. Thank you for reading and any help would be appreciated or if anyone else is having this problem speak up so that Turn10 can address the issue.

It’s been known. Some say it is so that people don’t get kicked for being too high leveled.

The real driver level still exists, it’s just what everyone in a lobby sees. Not that big a deal, really, since a higher driver level is not an indication of skill nor do you get any advantage for being at certain driver levels.

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Thank you for the reply, the not getting kicked thing is understandable. Its just the shock of going back to level 1 lol

Think of it like going into Prestige in COD, except nobody else knows. lol :wink:

I like it, actually. It relieves pressure. When I am a low level and I do terrible in a race people will just think I’m a noob, and not wonder how a guy can be 600+ and still not be able to keep it on the track.


ok that actually makes a lot of sense, I couldn’t think of any reason for doing this on purpose until i read that.

Hopefully turn 10 will fix it

It might be that but considering the driver level is apparently reseting after level 255, it’s probably a technical issue where the driver level in online lobbies is stored as an 8-bit unsigned integer which only leads up to 255 and then begins from 0 on.

Hy! I have a problem…:
In the multiplayer lobby i lost my driver lvl!
On the top of the screen i can see, i hav 257 driver lvl, but if i go on my name, there i have only lvl 1 !!!
If i play, the other racers think, i’m a beginner, but i’m NOT !!!
I want back my driver lvl !!!

This will probably be one of the things they will actually fix, unfortunately. Should be a very simple fix. This is one of the only things in the game that I don’t want to be fixed though.

Prestige 2 + 44 :wink:

have no fear this happened to me in fm4 and has happened again in fm5 so I’m sure they won’t be fixing this issue/non issue

i seriously doubt they will fix this, it was the same on forza 4. im level 145 for the third time.

Same thing happened to me now I am only lvl 21

T10 in the previous forums, if I remember correctly, said they would look into this.

Oh and if you are curious where your driver level stands, I believe it’s the trueachievement website that has a leaderboard showing the driver level rank, most amount earned, and most amount spent.

I don’t think the driver level leaderboard includes those who used tokens to boost rank though. Just some fyi.

Its not a glitch, just a way the game is coded. For some reason the online lobbies are coded to only be able to display numbers 1-256. Once you hit above level 256, the game will read you as your level minus 256. Your level is still there and anyone comparing games/stats with you will still see your real level, its just the way the code is for displaying levels in online lobbies.

Im actually glad it resets its self. Its always nice going into a lobby not knowing if you are racing a level 1 or a 256. I also enjoy not getting kicked cuz the rank looks to high. If they fix it so be it but i am more than fine the way it is

A CoD prestige style system would be more ideal. Special badges, maybe different colour names in lobby. Something like that.


when i roll over the cap, i like to put my logo as the starter FM5 logo and the Forza Motorsport 5 title and act like a noob then DNF lobbies :). regardless, this is what happens each time you hit 256. I wish once you hit 999 you got put to 0 in multiplayer so then you’d look like level 0 forever, that’d be funny :smiley: