Hello all, I have been a long time Forza fan and decided to dust off my 360 and play some FM3. I purchased the Ultimate Edition years ago and have all the content except for the Community Choice Classic Car pack. I drive a Volvo 240 Turbo as my daily and the thought of being able to drive it in the game seems awesome to me. I know that Microsoft and Turn 10 have taken off all the DLC from the Xbox Marketplace and the only way to get the car pack is if you purchased it in the past.
My problem is that I would need an old Xbox Live account that had purchased the DLC when it came out to system share onto my 360 so I could download the DLC from the account history. If anyone would be open to system sharing just for the DLC (I’d erase your account/you could change the password immediately after I downloaded the pack), it would mean a lot to me so I could race my daily in the game as well. I know the game is old, but if possible please let me know if you’d be ok with the system share.
I’d be willing to help you, but I bought the Ultimate Collection and didn’t get the December Pack.
But can you share your VIP car pack, as well as the Stig’s Garage Pack if you have them? (I recently got the Ultimate Collection in July 2018, and the codes have expired.)
If you can share them, thanks!
I’m in the same dilemma, I’m missing all 6 Pre-Order car’s, the Stig’s Garage Pack and Community Car Pack and the 3 Unicorns, I have all the other packs
Its not cars I’m after (I do have access to 30 Porsches thou which is nice). Its the extra tracks Benchmark and Sidewinder. I think they were released as free content 2010. I don’t record fast times but I’m up the leaderboards because I complete laps (usually classified). in P2P leaderboard I’m ranked #215 as at 21 March 2020. Estatic to be so high but would be nice to knock off 10 hours off my time. I got FM3 July 2019 so haven’t got any DLC but would like to the tracks.
Till then, race ya! Beating me in 1 race is easy if you don’t crash. Beating me in the next 307 races will take you some time!