I’ve bought Forza Motorsport 3 recently and it came with codes for “Top Gear” related DLC. None of these codes work. I’ve contacted XBox Live support and was suggested asking here. If the DLC availability is discontinued are there any plans to compensate players?
Don’t know why Xbox Support sent you here - they know the answer.
All FM3 content was “end of lifed” at the end of August 2013 - this means that it was selling so slowly that it was not worth having on the marketplace anymore (the more stuff on the marketplace the harder it is to maintain so they tend to remove things that aren’t selling) - this means that those codes are automatically invalid.
There are no announced plans to compensate people.
Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D
really mod? really? Ok… edited, restated -
I have to believe this’ll cost them more in reputation that it could possibly in real world dollars to maintain a few kb or mb of data on a server somewhere.
thank you very much for your answer… I have still some questions and maybe Turn10 can solve some of them:
Rewards program:
Since owners of the Ultimate Edt. can’t download the VIP pack anymore they won’t get the reward although it’s part of their purchase (and the Ultimate Edt. is still sold).
→ This could be resolved by Turn10 independent of MS Marketplace… are there any plans to do so?
Download History / New Xbox:
There are users (like x47 M450N 47x / JDawgg77) who got a new Xbox. While JDawgg77 was able to get the Community Choice and VIP pack using the download history x47 M450N 47x wrote that he wasn’t able to get car packs and individual cars using the history.
→ This shows that it’s not only about selling it’s about availability for people who already bought it.
→ Can Turn10 help here? I guess they have more influence on MS than we do…
Don’t get me wrong: It’s not against Turn10 or somebody it’s just the problems that come with a digital copy no one thinks about first.
Clearly, the content is no longer on the marketplace servers, but that doesn’t mean it no longer exists, does it?
I mean, it surely must still exist within Turn10 itself, right?
If so, might I suggest re-releasing it as part of a ‘Complete Collection’ boxed set of all Forzas released on 360, as well as Forza1(since the hard drive has pretty much been required since Forza3, why not throw in the origin of the series from the original Xbox, justifying it as a complete collection…?) - ALL DLC, including expansions like Forza4’s Porsche and Horizon’s rally pack, should be included on an extra disc included with each respective game, so anyone buying the set can get the complete experience of each game…
Throwing something like that together shouldn’t be too difficult, and it could be ready for release around the same time as whatever big update/expansion PD could be planning for GT6, like how Forza4 released around the same time as GT5’s big update…
For those wondering there is a difference between the Marketplace and being able to access the content through your download history - and yes it still works through the history setup.
They won’t loose much support - FM3 has been updated to 3 new games now and the reason it was ended was exactly that - maintaining the Marketplace and keeping its integrity isn’t free nor simple so eventually things disappear, if you are late to the party that will happen.
There is already an Ultimate Edition that contains nearly all DLC - don’t expect another one at this point. Turn10 also have issues with things like the Porsche content so don’t expect them to try and get EA to permit a new version either. Enjoy the game as it is or move on, but at this point you are getting worked up about a situation that will not change and you aren’t missing enough to make the game crap in any way.
Late or not: the game is still sold. Box say it comes with DLC. Actually, DLC is unavailable. Sounds like false advertising to me.
(And I do have Ultimate collection BTW)
I get what you’re saying - how long should it exist? who’s really going to miss it, etc.
The (pen)ultimate edition (which can still be purchased) contains only codes for the DLC; you must download that DLC from the servers - which I’ve also read/head dose not work since it’s end-of-life.
I got mine, with the exception of the one car pack that was not included in that edition or VIP (too late, end-of-life was not very well communicated or I would have…) but I do feel for anyone who bought that edition post-end-of-life!
I do know - this is going to make me re-think any digital content purchases - How long do I want it to last? (I am about 2/3rds thru FM3) Can I back it up myself, personally? (in this case, No.) Do I trust the Co. I am buying from? (Now, called into question.)
I really do hope that, in the event I ever need it, that I can re-download it from my History! I’ve heard some can, some cannot.
I would love to see software updates to both Forza 2 and 3 (and 4 when the time comes) to enable all the DLC for everyone. Barring that, I would pay for true complete editions for those games. It’d be nice to see perhaps a Forza 360 Complete Pack, with all the 360 games when 4 and Horizon reach “end-of-life”.
Personally, I have everything for 2, 4 and Horizon. I should have everything for 3 because I bought the complete edition and redeemed the codes many years ago, but after upgrading to an Xbox slim, I can no longer get the VIP pack content.
I put my Forza 3 in today and was majorly disappointed. Similar to you.
All my saves, etc are gone because the game doesn’t support cloud saving…so the 360 core system that i sold for my slim had the saves on it that i could have downloaded. Damn.
I purchased every possible car pack, now, none of them appear at all. This ROYALLY pisses me off as I paid for this content and it is now gone.
Same as above, except I purchased every track (Road America being my favorite) and I cannot access any of it anymore
The only DLC on Xbox Live for Forza 3 is for stupid hats, etc…nothing to do with the tracks or cars.
So, basically we are screwed every time they release a new Forza (2 gens back, ie: Forza 5 comes out, Forza 3 content gone).
Those car/track packs still exist somewhere on the servers, but you only have access to them if you’ve bought them with your current account earlier. You can redownload them from Download History on Xbox or by adding them to queue in Sign in to your Microsoft account
I tested that by removing some content and downloading them again and everything seems to work fine.
Just wanted to bump this up and give you thanks. I had downloaded a bunch of older stuff on my old 360 console that has been long gone and it never showed up on my newer 360. I went to the site above and was able to retrieve and re-download the items. Kudos to you!
I understand that DLC car sales must have been near zero but the VIP Pack should have gotten some downloads due to the Ultimate Collection…
Is forzafb@microsoft.com the only possibility to get in contact with Turn 10? I guess moderators have some meeting time with a Turn 10 representative and a little bit small talk would be highly appreciated and very kind.
I got burned by this as well. Already owned the LCE and standard editions, bought all the DLC. Just picked up the ultimate edition so I could get the Top Gear content, and I can’t download any of it. $40 wasted. I emailed them, hoping to get a response.
The DLC I have a major problem with them removing is the additional tracks. I have sidewinder and the test track but had not purchased nurburgring. Then when I tried to complete Leaderboard circuits I found those two circuits count for 1 hr to your total score so you can’t properly finish without them. The tracks should have been left on the marketplace.
I’m actually really bummed that I can’t download any of the FM3 DLC. I bought the game a while back and never got around to putting it into my Xbox (Rea life things kept me from a lot of time with it or my xbox. Now that I wanted to sit down and go through it (and of course had time) I can’t get any of the DLC content. Really wish a disc was available or the ability to DL. This is my biggest pet peeve with DLC of any kind, if I don’t get it right away its just gone, and I might not be able to get it again later if my xbox is stolen or my ID gets stolen and banned whatever. Or heck they just take the content totally offline. Bums me out. T10, please find a way to help some of us get the cool DLC content for older FM titles!