When the last playlist is over Speed Trap Hero, Danger Sign Hero, Speed Zone Hero, The Drift Run, and Trailblazer will be impossible to 100% complete… Is there somthing you can do to make it possible after series 77? An idea i had was to do what you did with the dlcs and have some pr stunts highlighted in red every week but have the reward just be a wheel spin and no playlist progress. or you could add seasonal pr stunts to forzathon as a forzathon challenge. My final idea is to just have a weekly pr stunt challenge.
See this post and the reply after it
Huh, I didn’t even think about the Horizon Life tasks. I think you’d get all of the unique rewards from them just by 3-starring the stunts on the main maps, so in the worst case you’d just be missing out on some extra cash and Wheelspins. The highest car rewards I see are for level 11 of Speed Trap and Speed Zone Hero, and then a couple of random shirts and chat messages later on for a few of them. I can almost guarantee that whatever daily and weekly tasks they put on the map to earn Forzathon points will include PR stunts, so if those award influence then we may still be able to keep ranking those up indefinitely. I’ll reply to Max in the main thread and point this out.
Edit: As a comparison point, I just bought my Steam copy of FH4 over two weeks ago, and I’ve completed the last three weekly Playlists. I’m already at level 18 on Speed Zone Hero, 19 on Danger Sign Hero, and 22 on Speed Trap Hero. Drift Run is down at level 9, but I haven’t completed nearly as many of those, and Trailblazer is at level 5. Point being that it doesn’t take much doing to blaze through most of these tasks even if someone’s buying the game right now.
I’m at level 25 on Speed Zone Hero, Danger Sign Hero, and Speed Trap Hero. level 20 on Drift Run, and level 9 on Trailblazer.
im 90% sure i can 100% complete trailblazer but im not so sure about the drift run.
i have 3 stared all the pr stunts on the main map and the dlcs.
i hope they find a way to fix the problem.
I understand your point, but as I said, after a certain level you’re not missing out on any unique items, and there are no achievements or other rewards tied to maxing out the level of the PR stunt tasks. In fact, for most if not all of them (I can’t speak for Trailblazer myself), they never show up as 100% complete in your Horizon Life display. Much like the different race discipline tasks, when you reach the maximum level, the game keeps letting you earn more influence for them indefinitely and gives you a Wheelspin every time you would have “leveled up.” It’s different than the story tasks, which have a defined endpoint and do show up as 100% complete. In the grand scheme of things, so long as all of the unique rewards are still accessible, I don’t know that this needs to be a super-high priority.
Edit: To clarify, the only achievements tied to these tasks are just getting to level 10, aside from Trailblazers which doesn’t have one. I think a few of them have exclusive car rewards at level 11, and the highest unique reward I saw was at level 17. All of that should be more than doable without the Playlist.
Well it would still be nice if level 25 was possible on all the my horizon life pr stunts.
i have sent a message to T10ManteoMax with a link to this post so that he might see it
Ive posted a link to this post in the comment section of a video talking about forza horizon 4 being delisted… i hope that a solution is found.